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KeyTResolvedRelease Notes SubjectRelease Notes Content
CTDM-346BugImage AddedVoice mail events could not be created if a quote was present in the email body or subjectIf the email body or subject, which is configureable as long text, contains a simple quote, the voicemail event is not created by the server. This problem has been fixed.
CLWV-99BugImage AddedTeams integration - downloading files from the jtel application in Microsoft Teams failsDownloading files from the web portal normally results in opening a new tab in the browser before proceeding. However, this procedure may lead to some issues whenever the user attempts to download files from the jtel application in microsoft teams.

This has been fixed and downloaded files will appear now in the same tab/application.

The change was made in the following places:
    - CSV file export
    - Waves
    - Voice mails
    - Routing applications
    - Fax documents
    - Call recordings
    - Conferences
    - Skins
    - Acd mappings
    - Dialler contacts
    - TTS Exception Lexica
CTDM-344BugImage AddedAcdEvents - Distribution - OptimizationA more selective index is now used when ACD events are distributed. This increases performance on systems with a large number of events (tens of thousands of events).
CNFON-958BugImage AddedACD-A-013 - ACD Statistics Agent Calls- records calls as "error" if the caller hangs up with cause 31 (normal unspecified)If the caller hangs up before the call is connected to the agent, and cause 31 (normal unspecified) is reported, the report ACD-A-013 - ACD Statistics Agent Calls counts the call as an error. This problem has been fixed and this type of call is conisedered now as "Caller Hangup".
CNFON-1009SupportImage AddedChat with Whatsapp - Server not available because of logfile growth reaching storage capacityAfter 24h of non-activity, the whatsapp session expires. This expiration can trigger a bug in the chatserver and an extreme growth in the logfile to reach the maximum storage capacity of the chat server. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-1002SupportImage AddedSupervisor Aggregation Groups - inconsistent operation across more than one tenantAggregation groups created under ACD - Aggregation Groups. would be displayed in the Supervisor - Inbound Status table and Supervisor Wallboard table for all tenants. This problem has been fixed - each tenant can only see their aggregation groups.
CNFON-999BugImage AddedThe report "ACD Agent Calls Report 2 - itemised agent calls by service number" has incorrect entries when selecting the period option "From/To".The report "ACD Agent Calls Report 2 - itemised agent calls by service number" under Statistics shows incorrect "From Date" and "To Date" when selecting the period option "From/To". This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-995SupportImage AddedCNFON-995SupportImage RemovedFilter Counter in Agent Home - Agent and Team Views - could be incorrectThe total number of records counter in the filter in Agent Home for the Agent, Team and category views - could be incorrect. This problem has been fixed.
CSTUTT-347SupportImage RemovedSupportImage AddedAgent Home - Pause Duration not refreshed regularlyIn agent home - the current Pause Duration was not refreshed regularly. This problem has been fixed.
CZVOOVE-129BugImage RemovedBugImage AddedRest query advanced - IVR object does not parse response data correctly with UTF8The Rest query advanced IVR object did not parse response data correctly if this contained UTF8 characters. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-988SupportImage RemovedSupportImage AddedClick to Hear Voice-Mail set Calling Party Number to Random A-NumberWhen using the click to hear function, the outbound call would be made on a potentially non associated service number. The trunk selected would be OK, but the signalled A-Party number was sometimes not. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-924SupportImage RemovedSupportImage AddedFTP list import failsThe FTP daemon could not import a list from the FTP server. This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-253SupportImage AddedSecurity Groups - The Workflow Application Types and Workflow Objects tabs.The Workflow Application Types and Workflow Objects tabs used within the security groups were intended to be visible to the reseller and the system administrator, and invisible to the client administrator and the user. This problem has been fixed.
CTDM-247BugStatistics and Service Number for Voicemail and Callbacks Missing - Configuration and Agent Group IssueWhen a voicemail or callback event was received in an agent / configuration group scenario, the callback from the voice mail or callback event would not record statistics correctly. Also, the service number selection would cause error messages to appear in the telephony server even though the call was correctly setup. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-982BugService Numbers - Service Number is displayed instead of Name when adding new service number to userWhen adding service numbers to users, the service number was displayed in the Name column instead of the name of the service number. This has been changed so that the assigned name is now displayed.
CTEL24-75BugCall Transfer - Bug in Logic when a call is held and transfer is made to a number that does not exist.A bug was found when transferring a call to an external number which is not valid/does not exist. The announcements configured in the Acd Group were not executed correctly. This has been fixed.
CNFON-978Data Change Log - access to log analysis now moved to slaveQueries to the data change log are now made on the slave to move the load from the master database thus improving system performance.
CNFON-965BugSecurity Groups - Reports added manually by a reseller displayed directlyWhen a reseller add a report to a client, it would be shown directly under Statistics Reports before adding the report to the relevant security group or user. This problem has been fixed.
CTEL24-50MiniClient - now shows webmessages popupThe MiniClient now is capable of showing webmessages sent by the supervisor in a popup window when the notification is clicked.
CSCHEP-82SupportTrunk Groups - VOIP - Number Translator - Add prefix "sip:+", then E.164 number and postfix "@<ip>[:<port>]" - anonymous number signalling problemWhen using the number translator VOIP - Number Translator - Add prefix "sip:+", then E.164 number and postfix "@<ip>[:<port>]" - anonymous numbers were incorrectly sent as "+". This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-950BugReport ACD-005 - ACD Inboxes Itemised Details - execution problemThe execution of this report could sometimes fail with an error message. This problem has been fixed.
CTEL24-47BugSupervisor Monitoring - Mute / Non Mute Monitoring always Non MuteWhen monitoring a call, the web application showed the unmute button by default even when the supervisor should have been muted. Actually, the supervisor was always unmuted. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-861BugTarif Waves - deleting could sometimes failDeleting a Tarif wave entry could fail due to a foreign-key dependency. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-5334No release notes necessary

Introdueced login with security token.

CNFON-921SupportE-Mail Log errorIt was not possible to access the E-Mail Log view in certain circumstances due to an error on the webserver. This problem has been fixed.
CTEL24-49OfferMiniClient with .EXE - No reconnect to webserver after webserver is restartedThe miniclient does not reconnect with the webserver when it is restarted. Instead, the same screen "freezes" and the agent does not know that a disconnect with the webserver has happened in the background. This has been fixed, the mini client now automatically reconnects to the web server.
CNFON-922BugAcd Group Rules - weekdays lost after activating or deactivating the ruleWhen setting a rule inside Acd group, the weekdays would be lost after activating or deactivating the concerned rule. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-952BugRemoving resources as reseller administratorWhen editing the Tab "Resources" in clients configuration as reseller administrator to remove resources from the clients view, some would not be removed properly. This has been fixed.
CTEL24-44BugSave User Master Data - LDAP Authentication User Field overwrittenWhen saving the user master data as a user, it would cause the LDAP authentication user field to be overwritten. This problem has been fixed.
CMKL-83Monitoring Innovaphone PBX Connector with Windows Task SchedulerScripts are provided provided to monitor the status of the Innovaphone PBX Connector on two telephony servers. These scripts start and stop the connector as required only on one of the servers (to prevent "double" monitoring events). The scripts are provided in the innovaphone installation directory: JTELInnovaphonePBXTaskMonitor_acd-tel1.cmd, JTELInnovaphonePBXTaskMonitor_acd-tel2.cmd. Note: These scripts can only be used on redundant systems.
JTELDEV-5322IVR - new Object "Wait"

A new object "Wait" has been added to the IVR. This performs a simple sleep operation. This can, for example, be used to allow a ring tone to be heard for a certain number of seconds before proceeding in the application.

JTELDEV-5321Bug IVR - Refuse Calls does not record statistics correctly

The IVR did not record statistics correctly for calls which were refused before any event (ringing or connect) had been sent. This problem has been fixed. Note: this requires an update of the telephony server to version 5.23.18 or later.

JTELDEV-5320New IVR Object Ringing

A new IVR Object "Ringing" has been added. This allows you to explicitly send 180 RINGING (alerting) to the far end from the IVR. Note: ringing and offhook are still sent implicitly by certain functions such as the ACD (when entered - ringing) and when announcements are played (offhook).

CTEL24-34IVR Signalling Parameter (ACD objects) - now supports variablesThe signalling parameter in the ACD objects in the IVR now supports variables. Previously, it was only possible to use a fixed value (usually a telephone number in E.164 format). Note: in releases 3.25 and 3.26 this will result in an error being shown in the GUI. It however does not affect the functionality. From release 3.27 the error message in the GUI is removed (open and close the objects in question to remove the error).
CTEL24-31BugTransfer Synonym - TransferAcdSynonymsID always empty in JTELStats.StatisticsPartBThe field TransferAcdSynonymsID was NULL in the table JTELStats.StatisticsPartB when a transfer to a Synonym was made. This problem has been fixed.
CSTYRIA-165StoryCall Flow - new REST GET functions available at various points in the call flow

The following parameters can be added to an ACD Group which causes the server to send http GET requests (REST calls) to a configured URL when events occur in the call flow to agents.


The parameter UseCase may be one of:


The parameter Event may be one of:

RINGING <-- sent when the call is in the ringing state
CONNECTED <-- sent when the call is connected
CONNRES.1 <-- sent when the call was successful and is ended
CONNRES.2 <-- sent when the call was not answered
CONNRES.3 <-- sent on outbound calls only when the destination is busy
CONNRES.4 <-- sent when the caller hangs up during the call to an agent (inbound calls only)
CONNRES.6 <-- sent when the called agent refused the call or hungup during a whisper transfer announcement

Note, the use cases CONNRES.3 (Busy on an inbound call) and CONNRES.5 (SIP Reason) and CONNRES.7 (Error) are not necessary, since a RINGING event must always be received before any REST calls are made.

The value of the parameter is specified as a multi-line value instructing the server what to do. The following lines are allowed:

URL=<url> <- Specifies a URL to be called
METHOD=GET/POST <- Specifies the http method to use
TIMEOUT=<ms> <- Specifies a timeout in ms before the function is aborted.
HEADER=<http_header> <- Specifies an http header to be used. May be specified multiple times.
QUERYPARAM=<param=value> <- Specifies a query parameter which will be added to the URL in URL encoded format
DATA=<value> <- Specifies POST data which will be sent with the request

The following variables may be used in the parameter value:

$date_time <- the current date and time
$service_number <- the ServiceNumbers.Name field
$service_name <- the ServiceNumbers.Name2 field
$caller <- the caller ID
$agent_name <- The surname of the agent
$agent_firstname <- The firstname of the agent
$agent_number <- The number of the agent
$agent_id <- The ID of the agent
$agent_tel <- The telephone number of the agent
$agent_uid <- The UID of the agent
$agent_nickname <- The NickName of the agent
$group_name <- The name of the ACD group
$group_number <- The number of the ACD group
$diallercampaign_name <- The name of the dialler campaign
$diallercontact_name <- The surname of the dialler contact
$diallercontact_firstname <- The firstname of the dialler contact
$diallercontact_externalsystemlink <- The external system link for the dialler contact
$diallercontact_userdata <- The UserData field for the dialler contact


This will send a GET request when a direct inbound ACD call is ringing:


This will send a POST request when a direct inbound ACD call is not answered:



CSTYRIA-161StoryAcdGroups - New Tab "Parameters"A new tab "Parameters" has been added to ACD groups. This feature will be used to enable implementation of various features and settings without having to replace / update the web application.
CTEL24-25ACD Call Transfer - Outbound Signalling Parameter in P-Asserted / P-Preferred IdentityThe Signalling parameter used to override the A-Party number on call transfer to external destinations now supports overriding the P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity parameters.
CSTYRIA-160StoryREST - new user control function postCallEndA new function "postCallEnd" has been added to the rest interface. This ends the automatic post call interval for a user.
CTEL24-21SupportIVR Start Object - causes GOSUB to lose parametersThe Start object was initiating the service number parameters every time it was called. This may cause problems when a GOSUB was used in the routing application and an (existing) service number parameter was assigned to before the GOSUB - the parameter may be overwritten by the GOSUB call. Now, the service number parameters are only initialised the first time the Start object is called during a routing application / call.
CSCHEP-95BugAgent Home - Categories display not updatedUser Categories and their contents (the agent list) were displayed incorrectly in agent home - newly created or deleted categories were not immediately visible. This problem has been fixed. In addition, the categories are now displayed in alphabetical order.
CLWV-43BugMedia events - delivery to history instead of eventsThe media event delivery status caused events to be delivered to the media history instead of the events tab. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-5263BugService Numbers Report 2 (Inbound ACD) - ACD-S-002 - errors in some columns

ACD-S-002 - the records in columns "Answered in Service Calls", "Answered not in Service Calls", "Lost Calls", "Quote Lost Calls" and "Service Level" were not correct depending on the time interval and the granularity chosen. This problem has been fixed.

CLWV-34BugTeams Connector - MS Graph API does not support querying presence of more than 650 usersThe MS Graph API does not support querying presence of more than 650 users. This problem has been fixed by querying multiple times for larger tenants.
Also a useful piece of information for configuration: If the password or key for the tenant include the & character, it must be replaced with %26 in the XML configuration file.
JTELDEV-5289SalesForce - Lightning Support now Pops up Softphone in SalesForce when a call is received

In Salesforce, the lightning support module now pops up the softphone in addition to any Salesforce record found or screen popped, when a call notification is received.

CNFON-834BugCall-Transfers to ACD-GroupsA problem in call distribution after a transfer to a different ACD-Group caused calls to be serviced incorrectly. This problem has been fixed.
CZVOOVE-117StorySalesForce getCallerInformation - Extended FunctionalityThe SalesForce getCallerInformation object has been extended to include two new parameters to the REST query to the SalesForce instance.

The first new parameter queryType allows the user to specify a particular type of query to perform in the SalesForce instance. This could, for example, be used to query for tickets, or other data in the SalesForce instance.

The further parameters UserData, UserData2 and UserData3 can be filled with any information required. For example, a ticket number, or a contract number, or customer number - whatever is required.

The implementation is backwards compatible - i.e. older Apex classes will still function as before (only considering the three parameters serviceName, serviceNumber and callerNumber). Newer Apex classes which use the new parameters can take advantage of the extended functionality.
JTELDEV-5287Direct Call to Agents, Groups, PBX Users and Numbers possible from Agent Full Client

The full client now supports the same functionality as the mini client - it is possible to call agents, groups, PBX users and numbers directly from the agent home screen. This functionality has been available for several releases in the mini client.

CNFON-902IVR Test Number - warning if a country code is configuredIf only a country code is configured in the test number for an IVR application, a warning message is now displayed. The user can still choose to save this setting, which results in all callers to the number from that country being handled by the test version of the application.
JTELDEV-5276StoryNew IVR Object CRM+ Query

A new object “CRM+ Query” has been added to the IVR for querying the Brainformatik CRM+ system. See for details on how this object works.

JTELDEV-5284BugReports "ACD Groups Report 5" and "ACD Groups Report 7 " not generated when no selection made

When generating the reports "ACD Groups Report 5" and "ACD Groups Report 7 "without any selection, an error occurred. This problem has been now fixed.

JTELDEV-5235BugReport "Transaction Codes Overview" - not generated when no agents are selected

When trying to generate the report "Transaction Codes Overview" without any selected agents, an error occurred. This problem has now been fixed.

CNFON-899BugReport "ACD Inboxes Itemised Details" - not generated when no selection madeWhen trying to generate the report "ACD Inboxes Itemised Details" without a selection an error occurred. This problem has now been fixed.
JTELDEV-5269BugInstallation procedure - Platform UDP listener with java 12 as a service

The service installation scripts for the platform UDP listener have been updated to start the UDP listener using java 12.

JTELDEV-5247BugPortal - password length restriction removed

The login screen now accepts huge passwords with practically no limit.

JTELDEV-5181BugNFON Presence Connector - Extension names with an apostrophe cause problems

Extensions with a ' in the name caused problems in the NFON presence connector. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-4810BugACD Event handling - email internationalization correction

Previously the message “Email sent“ was not translated. This has been corrected.

CTDM-316SupportIVR - DTMF menu with variable prompt list - problem with very long prompt list.Using an extremely long prompt list in an IVR DTMF Menu with variable prompt object could cause the object to fail. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-5245JREST - support for incoming date/time parameters including milliseconds and a time zone

The JREST server now supports the function {clientsID}/info which returns the time zone information from the server.

Incoming date / time formats now support the following format if configured in the REST server:


JTELDEV-5017IVR - Comma and apostrophe characters in names caused problems

Using an apostrophe or comma in the name of an IVR object would cause problems. These characters are now converted to similar unicode characters which do not cause problems.

CHTP-79SupportTTS prompts cannot be created with large content sizeCreating a TTS prompt that has a content of over 300 characters would cause an error. This problem has been fixed.
CNBANK-56SupportIVR counter statistics errorThe IVR counter statistics could cause an error in the web application. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-5204StoryTerminology Change - ISDN cause to SIP reason

The reporting terminology has been changed from ISDN cause to SIP reason in all relevant reports.

CNFON-708BugREST Query advanced - encoding of special charactersWhen using the REST Query advanced in IVR routing application, some logs containing special characters would be incorrectly recorded containing junk characters. This problem has been fixed.
CTDM-313SupportCallback from ACD Event in Supervisor using "Preset" Service Number - no record is created in Statistics.Upon receiving an Acd Event in Supervisor, while no agent was assigned yet, If the supervisor makes a callback using the "Preset" Service Number option, no record is created in 
