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It is important, that the database is cleaned regularly, to remove old data, particularly statistics.

The database cleaner script - see Role DATA - Cleaner (on the MASTER server that creates the backup) - should be installed for this purpose.


There is no recommendation as to how to set these parameters, as this will be dependent on the space available on the system. 

Particularly, the following tables can "explode" depending on the number of agents configured on the system:

  • JTELStats.AcdStatisticsLogin
  • JTELStats.AcdStatisticsLogin2
  • JTELStats2.CompressedU15

It is recommended to install monitoring on the database server, and check the table usage regularly.

Also, when implementing shorter deletion periods for tables which are large, do not reduce the deletion period in one large step. The danger is that the daemon may not be able to complete the work in one night. Rather, reduce the time period by small increments until the desired time period is reached.

The behaviour of the cleaner, is controlled by the following parameters:

CommentsThis affects the availability of compressed historical data in day intervals regarding user call performance data, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data
ParameterAffects Data in Table(s) - Records are DELETEDAffects Data in Table(s) - References are set to NULLStandard Value jtel Installations*Comments / Affects
214ACD events such as callbacks, voice mails or chat sessions, and their associated history.

Attachments to whatsapp messages. After this period of time, the attachment will be deleted from the system.

Note: this does not affect the availability of the rest of the chat session.

ConfServer.Conference.RecordingPINs.MaxAgeDaysJTELWeb.ConferenceRecordingPINs7Conference recording PINs used to listen to the recording of a conference will become invalid after this period of time.


762Uncompressed This affects the availability of uncompressed historical data on conferences and their participants, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
ConfServer.Statistics.ConfStatsPartI.MaxAgeDaysJTELWeb.ConfStatsPartI762Uncompressed historical data on conference invitations, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.

Detail log files for calls made to the system. 

Only files are deleted after this grace period.

214Compressed historical data in 15 minute time intervals regarding service numbers and calls processed, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
762Compressed historical data in day intervals regarding service numbers and calls processed, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
14Compressed historical data in 15 minute time intervals regarding user login / logout activity, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
214Compressed historical data in day intervals regarding user login / logout activity, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
762Compressed historical data in 15 minute time intervals regarding user call performance data, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
762Compressed historical data in day intervals regarding user call performance dataThis affects the availability of uncompressed historical data on conference invitations, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
JTELWeb.Alerts31Alerts produced by the system. 
Portal.BadLogins.MaxAgeDaysJTELWeb.BadLogins31Bad login attempts.
Portal.ContactsHistory.MaxAgeDaysJTELWeb.ContactsHistory762History for contacts in the JTELWeb.Contacts table.
7History files for SMTP processes. Only files are affected here.
Portal.EventSpool.MaxAgeDaysJTELWeb.EventSpool214Maximum age of Event Spool records.
Portal.FTPLogs.MaxAgeDaysJTELWeb.FTPLogs7Maximum age of FTP logs.
Portal.Logging.DataManipulationLog.MaxAgeDaysJTELWeb.DataManipulationLog214Maximum age of data manipulation logs.
Portal.Recordings.MaxAgeJTELWeb.Recordings7Maximum age of recording data and files (affects also recordings made in the IVR).
Portal.Routing.CounterDetailStatistics.MaxAgeDaysJTELWeb.CounterDetailStatistics214Detail This affects the availability of detail counter statistics for IVR applications, and affects the availability of the counters shown when a routing application's counters are accessed via the web application.


214Logged web sessions and subsessions (impersonations).
Portal.Statistics.AcdStatisticsChatTransactionCodesAcdStatisticsEventTransactionCodes.MaxAgeDaysJTELStatsJTELWeb.AcdStatisticsChatTransactionCodesAcdStatisticsEventTransactionCodes762The age of event transaction codes (non call transaction codes for chats, voice mails, callbacks etc.)This affects the availability of uncompressed historical data on transaction codes for chat sessions, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.


214Uncompressed This affects the availability of uncompressed historical data on agent login / logout activity, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
Portal.Statistics.AcdStatisticsPartC.MaxAgeDaysJTELStats.AcdStatisticsPartC762Uncompressed This affects the availability of uncompressed historical data on chat sessions, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
Portal.Statistics.AcdStatisticsPartD.MaxAgeDaysJTELStats.AcdStatisticsPartD762Uncompressed This affects the availability of uncompressed historical data on dynamic priority group handling, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
Portal.Statistics.AcdStatisticsTransactionCodes.MaxAgeDaysJTELStats.AcdStatisticsTransactionCodes762Uncompressed This affects the availability of uncompressed historical data on transaction codes for calls, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.

Calls This affects the visibility of calls in the Call Log or Call Analyser Log.

Portal.Statistics.StatisticsClick2DialNoPortal.MaxAgeDaysJTELStats.StatisticsClick2DialNoPortal762This affects the availability of CDRs for click to dial (no portal) requests made to the system, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
Portal.Statistics.StatisticsDiallerCampaigns.MaxAgeDaysJTELStats.StatisticsDiallerCampaigns762Compressed This affects the availability of compressed historical data on dialler campaigns for calls made and results, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.





Because the StatisticsPartA table is referenced for each incoming and outgoing call, deletion of records in this table causes all data, which is dependent on these records, to be deleted or NULLed at the same time.

This affects the availability of uncompressed historical data regarding calls to and from the system, including all referenced records in the tables noted, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.

Portal.Statistics.StatisticsPartIVR.MaxAgeDaysJTELStats.StatisticsPartIVR762Uncompressed This affects the availability of uncompressed historical data on IVR statistics markers used in IVR applications, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.


762Uncompressed This affects the availability of uncompressed historical data on incoming e-mails received using a workflow connector script (ruby script, not an E-Mail connector), and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.


762Uncompressed This affects the availability of uncompressed historical data on recording transport statistics (sending automatically as a result of saving recordings in the IVR, for example to FTP or to E-Mail), and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.


762Uncompressed This affects the availability of uncompressed historical data on PBX CDRs, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
Portal.Statistics.StatisticsPartZ.MaxAgeDaysJTELStats.StatisticsPartZ762Uncompressed This affects the availability of uncompressed historical data on calls which could not be processed by any service number (and hence were rejected by the system), and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.
This affects the availability of compressed historical data in 15 minute time intervals regarding service numbers and calls processed, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.CompressedADay.MaxAgeDaysJTELStats.CompressedADay
This affects the availability of compressed historical data in day intervals regarding service numbers and calls processed, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.CompressedU15.MaxAgeDaysJTELStats.CompressedU15
This affects the availability of compressed historical data in 15 minute time intervals regarding user login / logout activity, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.CompressedUDay.MaxAgeDaysJTELStats.CompressedUDay
This affects the availability of compressed historical data in day intervals regarding user login / logout activity, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.CompressedUA15.MaxAgeDaysJTELStats.CompressedUA15
This affects the availability of compressed historical data in 15 minute time intervals regarding user call performance data, and affects the availability of historical reports based on this data.Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.CompressedUADay.MaxAgeDaysJTELStats.CompressedUADay
UsersProfilesLog31Logs relating to the running of users profiles.

titleAvailability on your installation

This setting relates to the standard setting on jtel on premise and cloud installations from Release 3.23 onwards.

Your installation may be subject to different paramters - please contact your jtel partner for details or check the parameters in your jtel on premise system.

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titleThis page is only available in English
