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KeyTResolvedRelease Notes SubjectRelease Notes Content
JTELDEV-5199StoryAgentHome and MiniClient - Pressing enter now allows direct dialling from call transfer number tab

Pressing enter whilst in the telephone number field on the transfer number tab in Agent Home or when in the Mini Client now starts the dialling process immediately.

CNFON-685BugReport download not shown if used had no ACD group mappingsThe links to download reports were not shown if the user had no ACD group mappings. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-606SupportWhatsapp Session not automatically set to status "closed by customer" after 24 hoursWhatsApp sessions are automatically closed by WhatsApp / Tyntec after 24h. To reflect this behaviour, the jtel WhatsApp system now also changes the status of the chat to "Closed by customer" after 24 hours.
CCHALTEC-169StoryNew IVR Object - Re-Enter ACDA new IVR object has been added, which can be used to return a caller to the previously used ACD queue, in the same position. This can, for example, be used as follows:

- A call enters the ACD group via the IVR
- An announcement is played, informing the caller that they can press 1 to enter their customer number
- A rule "Leave Queue on DTMF" with DTMF 1 is added
- The IVR application checks $acd_groupend_reason. If equal to 109, then a rule caused the call to leave the ACD group.
- The IVR application checks $acd_queueleave_dtmf. This will contain the pressed DTMF.
- If both conditions are met, callers are routed to a dialog to enter their customer number.
- Following entry of the customer number, the IVR object "Save Additional Info and User Data" is used, to save the customer number and possibly change the CRM URL.
- Next the new object "Re-Enter ACD" is used to go back to the ACD.

This has two effects:
- No additional statistics are created for the ACD. It is as if the call never left the ACD queue.
- The call is placed in the queue at the position it left the queue. This means that callers retain their positions in the ACD queue.

A word of caution: the queue timeout is calculated based on the time the call originally entered the ACD. So, if the queue timeout is 2 minutes, and the caller spends ages in the IVR entering the customer number, then an immediate timeout will ensue.

CCHALTEC-168StoryNew Call Recording Opt-Out Object for IVRA new IVR Object "Call Recording Opt-Out" has been added to the IVR. This allows the recording opt-out functionality to be implemented in the IVR by simply routing the call through the object. This will have the same effect as if the caller opted-out using a DTMF whilst in the ACD.
CWRK-28BugTransaction Codes - Setting Transaction Codes at list "calls" in Agent HomeWhen setting Transaction Codes it was not possible to set a TAC in the list "calls" after a call when the option "mandatory transaction code" was configured in the ACD-Group. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-5109StoryCloud TTS Service

A new cloud TTS service has been added to the system. This enables the generation of TTS files via a remote cloud service instead of, as previously, via locally installed TTS licenses.

CSEGHORN-187BugAgentHome - Call Agents who are busyIt was possible for other agents to call agents who were busy. This behaviour has now been changed so that agents cannot call busy agents via agent home.
CNFON-764SupportAdditional power events handlers. Upgrade to CEF 85.1. Upgrade to the last CEF version
2. Added new events handlers related to the power state change:

CDUERKOPP-34SupportCalls to Service Numbers with special characters in the name not distributedIf a comma is used in the name of a service number, then the system cannot distribute calls correctly. This is due to the name breaking the SIP message used to make outbound calls to agents. A validator has been added to the web application, so that when a service number is now saved, any of the following characters will be rejected: .*[,'\"()%].*
JTELDEV-5193StoryDialler REST API - New Functions to update a contact and reset a contact

New functions to update a dialler contact and reset a dialler contact have been added to the REST API.

CTELKO-65SupportDialler - UserData and ForeignSystemID field size increased. UserData field now editable.The size of the ForeignSystemID and UserData fields has been increased in the dialler campaigns to 128 characters. The UserData field is now editable via the web interface.
CNFON-664BugAgent Login / Logout Report inconsistenciesSome inconsistencies in the Login / Logout Report have been fixed.
JTELDEV-5183New Whatsapp Logo

A new Whatsapp Logo appears in the portal when receiving a Whatsapp message

JTELDEV-5180StoryIntegrate Whatsapp location and make difference between Chat and Whatsapp events types
  1. Integrate Location on Whatsapp
  2. Make the diffrence (Event Type string in portal without adding new type in sql) between Chat and Whatsapp in Agent and Supervisor Media Event and History

CTDM-288SupportWhen a Voice-Mail event is created, the Event history was not created when you initiate the call in Mini client.Scenario: Voice-Mail Event is created in the routing and distributed to an agent.
Problem1: The agent does the callback via the Mini Client (Status “callback initiated“ is NOT inserted into the event history)
Problem2: When you initiate a call in Agent, event history will not be updated automatically in Supervisor and vice versa.
-> These two problems are fixed.

CJUH-93SupportE-Mail Connector - E-Mails with emoji charactersSome E-Mails received with emoji characters, which could not be represented in the UTF-8 3 character multibyte charset would cause the e-mail connector to fail with an exception. This problem has been fixed, the email connector now uses the UTF-8 4 character multibyte charset as standard.
CNORDOA-24BugIVR Object "ACD-Group with DB routing and variable type " and "ACD-Group with DB routing and Type"When setting "Send Media Events from original ACD Group" in the objects "ACD with DB Routing and Variable Type" and "ACD with DB-Routing and Type", the ACD Event was created for the configuration group instead of the agent group. This has been fixed.
CNFON-716SupportIVR - Line break in object "Create callbackWhen creating a media event of type Callback it was not possible to insert line breaks with the $crlf function. This problem has been fixed.
CMKL-60BugReporting - Report with no data would not display properlyWhen executing the report "Statistics_AcdGroupReport10" without data, an error would be displayed in the report instead of empty rows. This problem has been fixed.
CSTYRIA-124Support"Total Calls" and "Calls per Hour" in Supervisor set to 0 in every Agent Status change"Total Calls" and "Calls per Hour" in Supervisor set to 0 in every Agent Status change.
While it should only change when an agent switches to any status where “Logged in” is not configured.
This problem is fixed.

CEWS-12OfferTAPI Connector - Now monitors PBX extensionsThe TAPI connector now monintors PBX extensions as standard (no extra configuration required). New PBX extensions are created as they are read by the TAPI connector, existing names will be modified according to the name supplied by TAPI. Note that in most cases, adding new extensions to monitor, will require a restart of the jtel TAPI connector, since TAPI does not usually provide information on new extensions as they are configured.
CNORDOA-25StoryTAPI Monitor Service - now accepts prefix for extracted numbersThe TAPI monitor service now accepts a prefix which is prepended to all monitored numbers. For example, assume the name reported by the TAPI is:

SIP 089461495011.

This can be matched with a Regex as follows, to remove the 0:

<add key="regexNumber" value="^SIP 0(?&lt;num&gt;\d+)" />

This will extract the number 89461495011.

This can now be turned into E.164 by specifying the new parameter monitoringPrefix in the configuration file (assuming Germany 49 as a country code):

<add key="monitoringPrefix" value="49"/>

CCHALTEC-174BugRestricted numbers prevented outdialsRestricted numbers prevented outdials being made in some cases. This problem has been fixed.
CLANDW-66SupportChat Connectors - Field description "Max Chats Per Agent" incorrectWhen configuring chat connectors, the field name "Max Chats Per Agent" was incorrect. This problem has been fixed.
CWRK-29BugGuided Transfer - Retrieve not shown correctly in AgentHome and Mini ClientWhen guided transfer was used, the call could be retrieved correctly and the original agent and caller were connected again. However, it was no longer possible to transfer the call again, and an incorrect call status was shown in agent home. This problem has been fixed.
CTAIFUN-54StoryREST - Dialler Contacts History returned via REST interfaceThe dialler contacts rest interface now contains new functions to return the history from a dialler contact. The Postman collection and the documentation have been updated.
CEWS-24ACD Group Rules - additional checks for time and constraints addedAdditional constraints have been added to ACD group rules.

1. A time constraint can be added to the rule. This can be based on the time elapsed since: Call Start, Call Connect, Group Start (first group), Group Start (this group), Queue Start (first group), Queue Start (this group). In this way, rules can be activated only when a specific amount of time has elapsed based on one of the timestamps above.

2. A logical constraint can be added which must be true if the rule is to apply. The constraint can be ANY variable supported by the IVR, or the following variables if direct entry to the ACD was made:


The comparison of the variable supplied (ONLY ONE IS SUPPORTED) is made with a variable field with the following operators:

str ==
str <>
str left ==
str left <>

The "left" operators allow for partial matching.

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