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Common Installation Tasks

These tasks are performed on all DB servers, no matter what role (master or slave) they are to perform.

Attach STORE

First of all, the STORE is connected to the machine, as described here: Mounting STORE - All Linux except for STORE (CentOS8/Win2019)

Install MySQL

Configure Repositories

Enable the Debian MySQL 8.x repository and install it. Note, you will get asked some questions. Just get MySQL 8.x and say OK.

Code Block

dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.8.16-1_all.deb

Remove the Temporary .deb File

Code Block
rm -f mysql-apt-config_0.8.16-1_all.deb

Update the Package List and Install MySQL Server

Code Block
apt-get update

apt-get -y install mysql-server

The debian installation will ask you some questions during installation:

  • MySQL root Password
  • Default authentication plugin - change to "Use Legacy Authentication Method"

The installer will also start and enable the mysql server.

Configure Firewall

Access to the MySQL Server is configured in the firewall:

Translations Ignore

Code Block
ufw allow 3306/tcp

Configure MySQL

Configuration Files

The Debian MySQL 8.x creates a configuration directory /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/ when it installs. The jtel configuration file is downloaded and stored here. This file contains a lot of well commented settings which can be tweaked if required. The main parameter to be changed is the RAM usage of the sever. See below.

Translations Ignore

Code Block
wget -P /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d

Configure Server RAM

In order that the server makes the best use of the RAM available, the configuration file /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/jtel-enhanced-8.cnf must be adapted.

The setting innodb_buffer_pool_size should be adapted to about 3/4 of the available RAM, but a minimum of 3-4 GB should remain for the use of other processes. For Servers with 4 GB RAM, this should not exceed 2 GB. 

Translations Ignore

Code Block
# For 4 GB RAM
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2048M

# For 8 GB RAM
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 5120M
# For 12 GB RAM
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 8192M
# For 16 GB RAM
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 12288M

# From 16 GB simply take 3/4 of the RAM

Restart MySQL

The MySQL server is restarted to load all configuration settings.

Translations Ignore

Code Block
titleRestart the MySQL server
systemctl restart mysql

Configure Users

After the first restart, user access must be setup.

The following commands configure the users required:

titleCaution Password

Translations Ignore

Code Block
mysql -u root -p<password> -v -e"CREATE USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '<password>'"
mysql -u root -p<password> -v -e"GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION"
mysql -u root -p<password> -v -e"FLUSH PRIVILEGES"

Install UDP Plugin

Next, the UDP plugin is installed. This is required for the communication with further software modules in the system, when certain DB changes are made.

The installation is slightly different for master and slave servers.


Master Server

Translations Ignore

Code Block
cp /home/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal/Libraries/jtel_udf_udpsend/ /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
chown root:root /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
chmod 644 /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/

Slave Server

Translations Ignore

Code Block
cp /home/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal/Libraries/jtel_udf_udpsend/dummy/ /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
chown root:root /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
chmod 644 /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/


To configure the plugin, the following commands are executed:

titleCaution Password

Translations Ignore

Code Block
mysql -u root -p<password> -v -e"DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS udpsend"
mysql -u root -p<password> -v -e"CREATE FUNCTION udpsend RETURNS STRING SONAME ''"


The configuration of the UDP plugin must be performed before the server is included in any replication between servers, otherwise replication will fail. The UDP plugin must be installed on all servers.
