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KeyTResolvedRelease Notes SubjectRelease Notes Content
JTELDEV-4969Bug09.07.2019Column Selector (all pages) does not reset to system defaults correctly

The column selector would not reset the selected columns correctly to the system default once the user had set custom columns in the view being configured. This problem has been fixed.

CHECT-41Story14.03.2019Contact Name now shown in current call and call historyThe contact name is now shown in the current call and call history in agent home and the supervisor in several tables and views.
CBWG-7Story18.01.2019E.164 Converter for Alcatel Trunk Calling Party NumberA new converter has been added to fix an alcatel SIP trunk problem. Alcatel SIP trunks incorrectly send national numbers unqualified (without the country code prefix). A new converter "Alcatel SIP - international remove +, national prepend country code, PBX internal prepend country area and subscriber" has been added to work round this problem. The converter works with internal extension numbers of up to length 5.
CTDM-231Bug27.12.2018Last Agent and Not Last Agent Algorithm - performance problem on anonymous callsIn large installations, when a call was received from an anonymous caller to an ACD group configured with the last agent or not last agent algorithm, the performace of the system would be seriously impacted when the search for the last agent was performed. This problem has been fixed, last agent / not last agent is no longer searched for or applied to anonymous calls. For Versions 3.11 and later, additionally overriding the last agent using a parameter in the IVR GUI when entering the ACD can now be applied, even to anonymous calls.
CNFON-28327.12.2018Mini Client - Double Chat Event NotificationWhen a chat event was received by an agent using the mini client, the notification would be displayed twice next to eachother. This problem has been fixed, the notification is only shown once.
CENERGIE-78New Feature09.12.2018Forwarding of media events to same group is now allowedWhen agents have a media agent, they could not previously forward this back to the same group. This could, for example, be desirable if an agent has an event but is logged out from the system and would like to forward the event back to the group for processing before leaving. The same applies to the supervisor who can now distribute events which are in a particular agent account back to the same group. The group in which the event currently is distributed, is indicated by (*) after the group name.
CTDM-23729.11.2018Manual sending of media events by E-Mail did not function in all scenarios with the SMTP serverPreviously, the sending of an acd event via email used the email address of the agent as the sender. Unfortunately, this does not work in all scenarios, as the SMTP server sometimes does not allow this. The behaviour has been changed, so that the email address as setup in the client account is used.
CCARG-184Support (Prio 1)23.11.2018Dialler Contacts - partial export of contacts (done or aborted) only exports done contactsThe export of dialler contacts either using the mechanism Export (Release 3.11 or 3.12) or using the newer Import2/Export2 mechanism (Release 3.12) would not export aborted and done contacts, only done contacts. This problem has been fixed.
CMKL-23Bug30.10.2018SIP Display incorrectly coded on outgoing call when UTF-8 is received in display in inbound callThe SIP display header was incorrectly doubly UTF-8 coded on outgoing calls made, when UTF-8 was received in the display header in the associated inbound call. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-319New Feature30.10.2018REST Query - includes debug output of rest result and variablesThe REST Query object in the IVR has been improved, to include a trace of the all variables. This makes determining the variable names for the result easier. The trace is included in the call log (Call Loging or Call Log Analysis).
CNFON-31429.10.2018Agent In-Out Calls ReportThe checkbox "totals" was not applied when the agent in-out calls report was subscribed to. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-4875New Feature28.10.2018Number Translator - Improved Handling of Country and Area Codes and SIP URIs

If a SIP URI contains a double @, for example:, then the non local part (left hand side) would be present in the number stored by the platform. This behaviour has been changed, so that the number only is extracted. Further, when comparing numbers to trunk settings, if the area code and subscriber code of the trunk was not specified, then country numbers beginning with the country code would be matched as local numbers. This behaviour has been changed so that they are matched as internal, subscriber or national numbers. This allows for greater flexibility when the universal formatter is used, in particular with E.164 and a preceeding +.

CWS-193Story24.10.2018Supervisor - end automatich post call for agents.A button has been implemented in the supervisor, allowing supervisors to end the automatic post call work of agents, in the tabs: all agents, active agents, and group details. The button is shown when the agent is in post call only. The remaining post call time can be seen in the "Status since" column, and is updated every 5 or 10 seconds, depending on the set refresh time for the supervisor.
CSEGHORN-8717.10.2018$UserData as Variable in Call Back and Voice-Mail Subject and BodyThe variable $UserData can now be used in the texts for a call-back or voice-mail sent from the ACD (Long Texts).
CCOMCAVE-64Story12.10.2018IVR Connect Module - Option SIP REFERAn option to execute a SIP REFER when the destination is reached has been added to the IVR Connect module. This allows the channels to be optimised back to the PBX (route optimisation) once the call has been answered and is in the connected state. Note: this requires that the trunk to the PBX supports this functionality.
CWS-18312.10.2018Automatic Answer was clickable when disabledThe automatic answer button was still clickable when the function was disabled. This would cause automatic answer to be switched on, however the user would not be able to see this. This problem has been fixed.
CWS-182Bug11.10.2018Transaction Code Popup Race ConditionA race condition could ensue when the transaction code was displayed in an outbound call. This problem has been fixed.
CCOMCAVE-67Story10.09.2018New Feature "create callback media event when caller abandons queue"A new option "create callback media event when caller abandons queue" has been added to ACD standalone and configuration groups. If this option is selected, and a caller abaondons (hangs up) when in the ACD queue, a callback media event will be created and distributed to agents in the group.
JTELDEV-4868New Feature24.08.2018LogFileCleaner daemon logs deleted earlier

The LogFileCleaner now deletes logs from daemon processes much earlier, as soon as they have rolled over. This behaviour has been changed to prevent log files from daemon processes on busy systems from taking up too much space. If old logs are required from the daemon processes, then the log file cleaner daemon should be deactivated temporarily.

CSKR-113Bug16.08.2018Contacts New - Field "Customer Number" tried to validate an e-mail addressWhen creating a new contact, the field "Customer Number" was validated as an e-mail address. This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-168Bug07.08.2018Dialler - inbound call received when in status "result code"If agents were in the status "result code" in a dialler campaign, and they disconnected their connection to the dialler, they could receive inbound calls. This behaviour has been fixed, so that inbound calls are no longer received until a result is recorded.
CNFON-238Bug03.08.2018Creating Contacts - all telephone number fields are "required".When creating contacts all telephone number fields were marked as "required" by the UI. This problem has been fixed.
CRADPRAX-198Bug20.07.2018Automatic answer configured incompletely causes delay in incoming callsIf the automatic answer feature configuration was incomplete, this could cause a delay of 2-4 seconds on receipt of an incoming call. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-266Story10.07.2018New GUI Variables for caller qualificationThe following variables have been added to the IVR GUI:


These contain the relevant data from the AreaCodes table. Currently, values for Germany are provided, other countries may be added via the GUI as sysadmin.
CENERGIE-49Story09.07.2018Call Transfer to Same Group now possibleIt is now possible to transfer a call back to the same ACD group as the call was received on. This is now allowed, as use of the group search extension algorithm means that calls can be distributed to agents which are not actually a member of the group in which the call is being processed. This allows agents who are not able to deal with the call to transfer the call back to the group.
CWS-18806.07.2018Verhindern, dass sich der Agent ohne Erlaubnis aus der Gruppe ausloggen kannVerhindern, dass sich der Agent ohne Erlaubnis aus der Gruppe ausloggen kann
CNFON-260Bug29.06.2018FTP Upload of call recordings not possible on Linux SMBv2 File SharesOn Linux Samba SMBv2 shares, the daemon process responsible for FTP uploads could not copy the call recording file to the destination file name. This problem has been fixed.
CSPKH-92Bug25.06.2018ACD Queue Waiting Position and Waiting Time calculations wrongThe current ACD queue waiting position, played to a caller, could incorrectly increase, if a higher priority call joined the queue in front of the current call. This problem has been fixed. In parallel, the waiting time announcement, if played in the queue, could decrease at an incorrect rate (way too fast). This problem has also been fixed.
CCARG-158Bug16.06.2018Non Standard Shortcut Ctrl+Alt+E ends mini clientPreviously, pressing Ctrl+Alt+E would end the mini client. This behaviour has been changed, now the mini client closes with the standard shortcut Alt+F4.
CCARG-157Bug15.06.2018MiniClient does not start when last started on a no longer present screenIf the mini client was started and docked to a screen which is subsequently removed, then it would not start next time tried. This situation happens mostly with laptop users, who attach a second screen to the laptop, and remove this at a later stage when the mini client is no longer started. This problem has been fixed.
CMOVINGA-136New Feature06.06.2018SOAP callCreateOutbound new parameter bSuppressPreviewA new parameter has been added to the SOAP function callCreateOutbound - bSuppressPreview. This parameter causes any screen pop functionality to be suppressed for the call to be made, for example when the SalesForce intergration is used.
JTELDEV-4861Bug06.06.2018Deleting ACD Groups - Error

An error could occur when deleting an ACD group due to a foreign key restriction in the database. This problem has been fixed.

CMOVINGA-135Bug05.06.2018SOAP onClickToDial with NULL userData results in screen pop in SalesForceUsing the SOAP onClickToDial function without specifying a value for userData, would result in screen pop in SalesForce for a record with the SalesForce ID /null. This problem has been fixed.
CMOVINGA-134Bug05.06.2018Outbound call not possible in SalesForce if REST API onClickToDial inactiveIt was not possible to make an outbound call in SalesForce by ClickToDial, if the REST API onClickToDial was marked as inactive. This problem has been fixed.
CENERGIE-5728.05.2018MiniClient in Citrix ServerThe MiniClient would not start more than once in a Citrix Server environment. This problem has been fixed. See also MiniClient configuration setting CEFSettings (recommend, set to 3).
JTELDEV-4860New Feature27.05.2018DE Holiday Lists available in WIKI and deployment

Holiday lists for Germany up to 2023 for all states are available in the WIKI (search for page "Feiertagslisten DE") and in the portal directory JTELCarrierPortal/DB/mySQL/holidays

JTELDEV-4858Bug27.05.2018IVR GUI - Language change object did not change variables $languages_id and $languages_iso_code

The IVR GUI object "language change" did not change the value of the variables $languages_id and $languages_iso_code. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-4856Bug26.05.2018Trunk Groups - Outbound Call Number Converter Error

If the number specified as the subscriber code was of length >= 9, then the outbound trunk groups selector algorithm would fail. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-4855Story24.05.2018Trunk Groups Universal Formatter now supports selective inclusion of + for international numbers

The universal formatter for outgoing numbers now supports the selective inclusion of a + in a SIP URI, if the number is treated as international by the converter.

For example:


{NUM.PLUS}${NUM.E164}@mytrunk will dial with E.164 and a plus always




will dial internal numbers without a plus, and all other numbers as E.164 with a preceeding plus sign.

JTELDEV-4853Story24.05.2018ACD Group Start - Total Agent Count Logged in to Client is Recorded

When a call enters an ACD group, the total agent count logged into the client account is now recorded to the table AcdStatisticsPartB.
The ACD Clients Report now reports the maximum value for the past month in a new column "Concurrent".

CNFON-219Bug23.05.2018Report ACD Statistics Group Calls (ACD-Statistik Gruppenanrufe) correctedSome fields in the report, such as the total average hangup time, were calculated incorrectly. This problem has been fixed. The layout of the report for Excel has been improved.
CHHW-82Bug22.05.2018MiniClient EXE - Opening of external links failedThe mini client .EXE would fail to open external links. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-4849Bug22.05.2018Mini Client pins to wrong monitor on re-open

If the mini client was pinned to any monitor other than the primary monitor, it would forget this and pin itself to the primary monitor after a restart. This problem has been fixed.

COPTI-73Bug22.05.2018Missing Media Event Notification in SOAP when ACD Event is closed by SOAPWhen a media event was closed by SOAP, no notification was sent to the SOAP interface. This contrasts with closing an event using the Web GUI, which caused an event to fire in the SOAP interface. This behaviour has been changed, so that an event is always fired in SOAP.
CHAUSGRUND-23New Feature21.05.2018Media Events - Events could only be sent to logged in agents.For all media event types except chat, it is now possible to send the event to an agent who is not logged in. Chat sessions are a realtime events which cannot be processed by agents who are not logged in.
JTELDEV-4851Bug20.05.2018Editing group distribution page sometimes fails when a default group is enabled

The web application could freeze, when the distribution algorithm for a group was changed, and a default group was set. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-4850Bug20.05.2018Cannot delete ACD group when extended group search is configured

When the extended group search was used, it was not possible to delete an ACD group configured with this feature. This problem has been fixed.

CSYMP-9Story16.05.2018Incoming Call Service Dispatcher - Match on only Source Server now possibleIt is now possible to match incoming SIP calls to the trunk group based on only the source server. To use this matching method, the destination server in the trunk group MUST be configured as empty.
COPTI-71Bug15.05.2018Chat - incorrect language displayedThe chat server could display some messages in the incorrect language depending on the browser settings. This problem has been fixed.
CCHALTEC-12815.05.2018File Upload sometimes failed on Windows SharesUploading WAV files to the portal could sometimes fail on installations where the storage share was on a Windows machine. This problem has been fixed.
CVBDA-8Story10.05.2018New SOAP Function customProcessStartA new SOAP function has been added, customProcessStart. This allows for the integration of custom call flows to ACD calls, which are started when the caller and agent are connected, or the caller is on hold. See the current SOAP documentation for details.
JTELDEV-4847Story09.05.2018Mini Client EXE 2.16 - Hotkey Function

It is now possible to specify a hotkey in the mini client .EXE configuration, which works as follows:

  • the selected text in the foreground application is copied to the clipboard by injecting Ctrl+C to the currently active application
  • each line in the clipboard is treated as a separate phone number
  • all invalid characters are extracted
  • the longest number is used
  • this number is then passed to the mini client .EXE, which executes the script "shortcut.js".

shortcut.js can be modified as necessary. The default behaviour is as follows:

  • convert the number to E.164: numbers which begin with 00 - remove the 00, numbers which begin with 0 - remove the 0 and replace with the set country code
  • bring the application to the front (i.e. application has focus)
  • click the button "Make Call" in the mini client window.
  • replace the phone number field with the extracted text
  • set the focus to the "Call" button

If the user wishes to make the call, simply pressing enter will start the call. This behaviour can be further modified in shortcut.js, for example, to also click the button.

The settings in the mini client configuration file which affect this behaviour are:

  • PhoneSelectShortcut - the key to use.
  • PhoneNumberClipboardDelay - the number of milliseconds to wait for applications to actually populate the clipboard
  • PhoneSelectCountryCode - the country code to be prepended to numbers that begin with a single 0
CMOVINGA-12809.05.2018FTP Call Recordings Upload FilenameThe FTP upload call recordings filename can now contain $userdata or $addinfo to include the userdata field or the additional information field respectively.
JTELDEV-4846Bug07.05.2018Basic Debugging Statistics Page

A page has been added, which shows some diagnostics for the webserver. This can be retrieved at the following URL:


CDIERCK-12New Feature06.05.2018Innovaphone PBX Connector V11 supports multiple instances as serviceThe innovaphone PBX connector (from V11 only) can now be installed multiple times as a service on the same machine. 

The installation syntax is:

c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe /ServiceName="JTELInnovaphonePBXService_instance001" /DisplayName="jtel Innovaphone PBX Service Instance 001" /Description="jtel Innovaphone PBX Service Instance 001" /install JTELInnovaphonePBXService.exe

Note: when uninstalling the connector, the same switch for /ServiceName MUST be used.
CCONRADIA-47Bug04.05.2018ACD Groups Report 4 - Incorrect Service Level when 0 Service Level Seconds selectedIf the Acd Groups Report 4 was executed, with a service level seconds of 0 set AND a service number selected, then the report would incorrectly count all calls to the group without respecting the service number selection. Hence a service level > 100% could be reported. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-21404.05.2018AcdGroupsReport 1, 3 and 4 - Average Hangup Time incorrectIn ACD Groups Report 1, 3 and 4, the average hangup time was incorrectly always 0 or 1 second. This was due to the total time being divided by itself to form the average instead of being divided by the number of calls. This problem has been fixed.
CHECT-30Bug03.05.2018Calling Party Number not displayed correctly in Mini-Client ToasterThe calling party number was not displayed correctly in the mini client "toaster" popup which is displayed when an incoming call is received by agents. This problem has been fixed. A new version of the mini client must be deployed in addition to an update to the portal, to fix this problem.
CKSB-8227.04.2018Additional Info - fails when single quotes are usedThe additional information field would fail in the call flow, if single quotes were present. This problem has been fixed.
COPTI-5825.04.2018Call Recordings Upload to SFTP sometimes failsCall recordings upload to SFTP would fail if a backslash was used in the path name. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-4845New Feature24.04.2018New Group Reports ACD Groups Report 7, 8 and 9

Three new ACD group reports have been added to the system. They contain the following data: call counters, SLA counters and percentages, queue counters, agent call counters and agent times. The SLA is divided up into 3 calculations, and a "red / yellow / green" traffic light effect is added to the SLA percentages and numbers to highlight good and bad service times within the 3 SLA counters. Report 7 is cumulated per group then time slice, report 8 is cumulated per time slice then group, and report 9 contains the totals only for the period selected.

CVBDA-7New Feature24.04.2018New Stored Procedure for creating holidays without creating duplicatesA new stored procedure JTELWeb.Holidays_Create_NoDuplicate has been added, which can easily be used to create lists of holidays which can be imported multiple times without creating duplicates. This makes the creation of scripts for specific holiday lists simpler.
CPPA-22Bug14.04.2018Automatic logout on lost calls also processed when agent already logged outThe automatic logout on lost calls would also be processed when an agent was already logged out. This effect can be seen when the new feature "always call agent" is used (for the direct use of personal extensions as an ACD group). This problem has been fixed. If the status is already logged logged out, then no autologout will be performed.
CPPA-21Bug14.04.2018Agent status is changed when daily outlogout is processed even if agents are already logged outThe status of agents would be changed to a potentially different status than they were currently in, when the daily autologout procedure was processed. This behaviour has been changed, so that agent status is only changed if they are in a logged in status when the daily autologout is performed.
JTELDEV-4843New Feature14.04.2018Improved Logging in Call Log and Call Log Analyser

The call flow logging for viewing via the web in the call log or call log analyser has been improved. Some unnecessary clutter has been removed, and logs have been added for events received in the call flow.

CHECT-16Bug14.04.2018Last agent incorrectly moved on enquiry callWhen agents hold a call, and make an enquiry call to a new agent, and then take the call back, the last agent is incorrectly moved to the agent called in the enquiry call. This problem has been fixed. The call log now also includes information on how the queue was entered (where the last agent is determined) and how the queue was distributed.
CHECT-17Bug13.04.2018MiniClient Incoming Call Popup improvedPreviously, the incoming call popup in the mini client only showed the service number. The incoming A-Number (caller number) has been added.
JTELDEV-4842Bug09.04.2018Report Date Time Formats 12 instead of 24h in some reports

The report time format was incorrect, in the following reports: Agents Itemised Calls Report (Inbound and Outbound), Dialler Campaigns Itemised Calls Report. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-4841Bug08.04.2018Dialler - Possible Race Condition when Call Ends

A race condition could ensue, when the outbound call from the dialler ended, causing a check for call blending to be made even though the agent was not ready as a result code had not yet been recorded. Also, the agent call status could change to "blank" (i.e. as if the agent was idle and had no call with the system). This problem has been fixed.

COPTI-66New Feature08.04.2018DTMF Injection - when using IVR Connect moduleDTMFs are now passed between the tromboned connections when using the IVR connect module. This can, for example, be used to control a dialled IVR system by DTMF. Note: the aculab VoIP layer must be accordingly parameterised to pass the DTMFs through.
COPTI-62Bug08.04.2018Chat Media Events not signalled correctly via SOAPSometimes chat events would not be signalled correctly by the SOAP interface. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-4838New Feature04.04.2018Telephony server - run as windows service

The telephony server can now be run as a service. For additional information on how to set this up, contact jtel support.

JTELDEV-4837Bug28.03.2018SOAP Test Client ACDClient2Test.exe - Event timestamp formatting incorrect

The event timestamp formatting in the right hand pane (events log) was incorrect. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-4836New Feature28.03.2018SalesForce - onClickToDial function now also matches the ServiceNumbers.Name field not just ServiceNumbers.RootNumber

The match on the number returned from the onClickToDial REST API is now performed on both the ServiceNumbers.RootNumber and ServiceNumbers.Name fields. This is necessary, to match 0800 numbers, for example. Note that the match MUST NOT return more than one record - i.e. no two ServiceNumbers in the jtel system can be configured with the same Name.

JTELDEV-4834Bug27.03.2018Transaction Code Buttons in Mini Client Improved

The transaction code buttons in the mini client have been improved, so that they appear as check boxes for easier usability.

CNFON-191New Feature26.03.2018Trunk Groups - New Number TranslatorA new number translator "Telephone 90, 900 - remove dialling prefix (90 or 900), prepend country code and area code as required" has been added, for countries, such as the UK, which signal incoming numbers pre-pended by 9 for an outside line.
CNFON-15418.03.2018DTMF transmit to far endDTMFs can be transmitted to the far end telephone connection (inbound or outbound) by setting the following parameters in giAculab.cfg:

rfc2833RxToneEvent = TRUE
rfc2833RxInbandToneRegeneration = TRUE
rfc2833TxToneConversion = TRUE

Recommend: this setting should be changed with the assistance of jtel Support if required.
CPPA-15Story16.03.2018New TTS Engine CereprocThe jtel system now supports a new TTS engine - Cereproc. See for more details. Highlights include offline generation via a flexible licensing mechanism which (unlike some other vendors) is not channel based, but simply requires one licence per system.
CNFON-14415.03.2018Edit Contacts - Email Field maximum length problemIt was not possible to edit an email address of more than 32 characters in length in the contacts edit function. This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-152Story14.03.2018Dialling by Connector - New Parameter for External AgentsDialling by the PBX connector can be additionally parameterised using the following system parameter:


If the active telephone number of the agent is longer than this setting, then the system will dial directly using the jtel server instead of the PBX connector. This prevents the system trying to control numbers which are definitely not in the PBX.
CLDB-10514.03.2018Telephony Server does not delete whisper filesThe telephony server would not delete whisper files, after they had been used. This could cause the temp directory to contain many files over time, though a disk full situation was never observed at a customer due to the usually small files involved. This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-151Story13.03.2018TAPI PBX Connector - Connector IP and UDP Port UpdateThe TAPI PBX connector now updates the connector IP and UDP port on every event received from TAPI. This means that it can be restarted or started during the day, with only a slight impact on system function (loss of events for the duration of the restart).
CWS-180Bug07.03.2018Innovaphone PBX CDR Service - Connection Pool ErrorThe Innovaphone PBX CDR collector service writes to the incorrect connection pool JTELStats instead of JTELWeb. This problem has been fixed.
CWS-179Bug07.03.2018Dialler Logic and Call Pickup / Transfer Problem - Incorrect Agent Telephone StatusWhen a call pickup or transfer is performed by an agent using the PBX, the jtel telephone status (not PBX status) of agents was sometimes incorrectly not reset. This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-150Story06.03.2018TAPI PBX Connector - Click to Dial not terminated automaticallyNow, when an agent performs a click-to-dial, using the TAPI PBX connector, the call is not automatically ended. This allows agents to "hear" the result of the call (busy, invalid number, ...) before the call is terminated.
CCARG-143Story04.03.2018Click to Call - via PBX Connector or jtelIt is now possible to decide whether the PBX connector is used to make outbound calls (click to dial) for agents, or the jtel system directly. 

The following settings govern this behaviour:

PBX Connector maximum number length for ClickToCall commands. The parameters dialler.ClickToCall.UDP.MaxNumberLength and dialler.ClickToCall.UDP.MinNumberLength determine which numbers will be dialled using the connector.

PBX Connector maximum length for current agent TelActive to send commands to the PBX connector. Usually, if the number is greater than this length, agents are logged into their home office (for example), so the connector cannot be used.

PBX Connector minimum number length for ClickToCall commands. The parameters dialler.ClickToCall.UDP.MaxNumberLength and dialler.ClickToCall.UDP.MinNumberLength determine which numbers will be dialled using the connector.
CCARG-141Bug04.03.2018Report - Current Agent Performance Report - Title wrongThe title of the current agent performance report was wrong. This has been corrected.
CCARG-140Story03.03.2018TAPI Connector - new matching of telephone numbersWhen status changes are reported by the TAPI connector, the following new schema is used:

- first of all, try to match TelActive (the active telephone number of the agent)
- next, try to match Tel followed by TelActive
- finally, try to match TelActive followed by Tel to Tel6 

This offers maximum flexibility in the configuration of agents in the system.
CCARG-106Bug03.03.2018Call Transfer Group - Call Flow Problem when Call on HoldWhen a call was on hold, and a call transfer to group was performed, this could cause the call not to be retrieved, or to be retrieved immediately. This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-139Story03.03.2018Auto-Logout remembers last agent telephone numberA new feature has been added, so that the system remembers the last telephone number an agent was logged into. When logging back in (for example after an auto-logout), the system will use the "remembered" telephone number when only the quick buttons (i.e. press "green" for logged in) are used. This behaviour can be disabled by enabling the resource "portal.Acd.Header.AutoLogout.ForgetLastTelActive" - which causes backwards compatible behaviour to be active. Updating a system will cause the backwards compatibility to be enabled - i.e. this feature must be actively enabled.
CCARG-107Story03.03.2018MiniClient - ACD Group Login Status now colouredThe login status in a particular ACD group is now coloured in the mini client. In addition to the "key" icon (allowing login / logout) now being red / green (showing the current status), a mouse-over hint is provided for other groups, to indicate why the function is not available - such as "read only in this group" or " not member of this group".
CCARG-138Bug03.03.2018Acd Groups Report 4 - error in total number of callsAcdGroupsReport 4 would sum all calls over all service numbers instead of individually, when more than one service number was selected. This caused the number of offered calls to be incorrect in all further calculations, and the report to be inconsistent in some columns. This problem has been fixed.
CPPA-14Bug01.03.2018MiniClient Cookie LoginThe mini-client cookie login would sometimes not work. This problem has been fixed.
COPTI-4521.02.2018Chat Server SSL - No ConnectionNo connection was possible via SSL to the chat server. This problem has been fixed.
CPPA-11Story18.02.2018Innovaphone PBX Connector - New Features Call Transfer and Call PickupThe Innovaphone PBX connector now detects call pickup by an agent via the PBX, and will accordingly transfer the call details in agent home to the picking up agent, and also a call transfer via the PBX, and will transfer the call details to the new agent.
CCWMEYER-34Story18.02.2018TAPI PBX Connector - Number CleanerNumbers which are reported by the TAPI PBX connector are now cleaned of all non-dialable characters without having to completely specify a regular expression in the configuration which performs the cleaning (which is quite tricky).
CPPA-10Story11.02.2018New ACD Group Mapping Option "Always" and ACD Agent Status "Holiday"Two new features have been added. Agents can be configured as ACD group members with the option "Always". Agents who are so configured, will always be considered for distribution, no matter what the ACD status of the agent is - EXCEPT for new agent status configured with the new option "Holiday". In this case, the agent will not be called. 

This feature is designed to enable the simple implementation of worker / deputy relations using ACD groups.
JTELDEV-4774Bug07.02.2018PlatformUDPListener - Log Removal

The PlatformUDPListener now removes old logs automatically.

COPTI-4401.02.2018Duplicated Media-Events in SupervisorMedia-Events were incorrectly duplicated in the supervisor view Media Events and Media History - once for each group the supervisor was a member of. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-4823Bug28.01.2018Deleting a Client not Possible

It was not possible to delete a client due to data dependencies in the database. This problem has been fixed.

CNFON-12127.01.2018Agent Home - Call Recordings - unnecessary access token requiredAccess to agent home, call recordings required access to the token portal.Acd.AcdGroups.CallRecording (i.e. the right to configure recording in the ACD group). This has been removed.
CNFON-118Bug26.01.2018Report Subscriptions - Error in SubscriptionSome reports could be retrieved via the web interface, but not as a subscription. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-149Bug25.01.2018Report Subscriptions - Failure due to old parametersSome older report subscriptions would not work, as the type of the parameter saved in the subscription was incorrect - a modification in the portal, unearthed this problem. The older reports have now been modified to make the subscription parameters compatible with the new portal.
CKOMP-67Bug15.01.2018Report Subscriptions - not possible to create subscriptions on very old usersIn very old users, the dtCreated timestamp in the database was not present. This prevented them from creating report subscriptions. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-135Story14.01.2018Outdial - Trunk Group SelectionThe trunk group used for an outdial is now selected by the service number, if configured. If not configured, operation is as usual (client assigned trunk group, or general access trunk groups).
COPTI-30Bug12.01.2018Mini Client - Does not close properlyThe mini client would not close properly when closed using Alt+F4 or X. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-4816Bug09.01.2018MiniClient EXE - Resize and download problems

The MiniClient .EXE was incapable of downloading files. This problem has been fixed. Also, the mini client would resize incorrectly, when two displays of different sizes were used. This problem has also been fixed.

CCOMCAVE-5302.01.2018ACD Itemised Call Details Report - Layout and Sorting ImprovementsThe layout and sorting of the ACD Itemised Call Details Report has been improved.
CSEGHORN-37Story29.12.2017Close Dialler Contact on Inbound CallIf an incoming call is received from a contact in a dialler campaign, this can now be closed automatically when the call is connected to the inbound agent. It is possible to specify a result code which should be recorded in the dialler campaign.
CNFON-110Story29.12.2017Trunk Groups Outdial Parameters - P-Asserted IdentityIt is now possible to specify two variants of the P-Asserted-Identity SIP Header used when making outbound calls. The first variant is used when an inbound call is routed to an agent, the second variant when an outbound call is made by an agent.
CSEGHORN-72Story29.12.2017Transaction Code Pager in Mini-ClientThe transaction code pager in the mini client now shows up to 50 rows.
CNFON-119New Feature27.12.2017Service Dispatcher - Log Entry AddedA log entry has been added so that the SIP entity and source / destination server can be seen. This helps when configuring multiple trunk groups in an installation.
CCOMCAVE-52Bug21.12.2017Itemised Call Statistics - Incorrect Hangup QueueHangup Queue could be incorrectly reported in some statistics when calls were distributed to external destinations. This problem has been fixed.
COPTI-18New Feature20.12.2017SMS answer now included in media historyAnswers sent to incoming SMS are now recorded in the media history.
COPTI-20Bug20.12.2017SMS during call - error in number formattingErrors on SMS sending during a call could occur, if spaces were configured in the Service Number. This problem has been fixed.
CGREEN-36Story01.12.2017SalesForce - onClickToDial outbound APIA new API onClickToDial has been added to the SalesForce integration. If configured, when SalesForce users click on a telephone number, the jtel system queries SalesForce to determine the number which should be signalled as the calling party number, and whether the call may proceed.
CGREEN-37Story26.11.2017CRM URL in Media EventsThe CRM URL is now also passed to media events.
COPTI-12Story23.11.2017SMS - any-sms receiverAn SMS receiver has been added for the any-sms SMS service provider.
CGREEN-35Story21.11.2017SalesForce - writeCallStatistics InterfaceA new SalesForce interface has been created, which can pass statistics to SalesForce after the end of a call. The interface is documented and can be implemented, for example, as an APEX REST Service.
CGREEN-34Story19.11.2017SalesForce Routing ObjectA new generic SalesForce routing object has been created, with a documented interface "getCallerInformation" which can be implemented as, for example, an APEX REST Service.
CSEGHORN-90Story10.11.2017SOAP - ServiceNumber structure includes field Name2The SOAP interface has been extended to include the Name2 field in the ServiceNumber structure.
COPTI-6Bug10.11.2017Media Events - Sending by E-Mail causes the event to disappearEvents sent by E-Mail from Agent Home would disappear from the event queue. This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-86Bug07.11.2017IVR Object Switzerland Source RoutingThe IVR object for Switzerland source based routing uses the wrong output. This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-102Bug05.11.2017Renaming of several reportsSeveral reports (Agent and Group Reports) have been renamed for clarity.
CTDM-205Bug20.10.2017Voice Mail Language SettingsWhen an agent refused a call, then the language used for a subsequent voice-mail recording was not consistent. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-79Bug11.10.2017Online Help in English shows German TextSome texts in the online help in english were shown in German. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-4602New Feature11.10.2017Chat Module - General Availability

The chat module is now available. Features include:

Multi tenant capable, Chat from external (website widget), possibility to configure different chat entry points (like service numbers), distribution of chat to free agent - coupled with agent status (status chat) and distribution algorithms in ACD group. Automatic first answer when agent gets chat („Hello, hier is jtel Support, how can I help you?“), additional information from agent (Transaction Codes, Customer Details, Comments field). Chat archiving (PDF and ACD Event), Statistics, Number of chats, duration of chats. Integration with roles / rights system.

CCARG-75New Feature10.10.2017Users - Edit Service NumbersThe right to edit service numbers can now be given to the "Users" role, and not only the "Admin" role.
CTDM-178Story03.10.2017SOAP - New functions to create / modify agent group mappings.The following functions have been added to the SOAP interface:


These allow the creation of agent group mappings, and the modification thereof.
CSEGHORN-74New Feature24.09.2017Agent Login without telephone numberAgents without a configured telephone number are now forced to login using the full login popup window. This prevents the case when users are logged in without an active telephone number.
JTELDEV-4780Bug18.09.2017Telephony Server - memory leak on close

The telephony server had a memory leak when closing down. This could cause an error dialog when the server was shutdown, or make shutdown impossible without killing the server. This problem has been fixed.

CSEGHORN-81New Feature16.09.2017Dialler - Contact Export - Added fieldsThe fields bPhoneNumber1Invalid to bPhoneNumber6Invalid have been added to the dialler contacts export.
CSPKH-65Bug07.09.2017Acd Agent Report 1 - Incorrect post call timesAcd Agent Report 1 contained incorrect post call times. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-4778Bug07.09.2017Call Recording - Sometimes not started

Call recording would sometimes not be correctly started when no announcement was configured. Whilst this configuration is not strictly legal in most countries, the problem has been fixed.

CSEGHORN-75Bug07.09.2017Extended Group Search - Agent Statistics may failSometimes agent statistics were not correctly recorded when the extended group search function was used. This problem has been fixed.
CWATER-8New Feature03.09.2017Dialler Contacts - Lock ContactIt is now possible to lock a dialler contact and edit the contact data. The contact can then either be released back to the dialler, or remain locked until it is exported.
CSEGHORN-73Story31.08.2017Agent Home - Manual Call BackIt is now possible to specify a manual callback request from agent home or the mini client, and address this to a group rather than a group and a specific agent.
CWATER-20Story30.08.2017Supervisor - Custom Wallboard 1 - 3It is now possible to create custom wallboards for the supervisor view. Up to three customer specific layouts can be created per system. This requires the creation of JSF .XHTML pages and placement into the Data\system\web\dynamic\supervisor directory as AcdSupervisor.Custom1.xhtml to AcdSupervisor.Custom3.xhtml.
JTELDEV-4770New Feature25.08.2017Mini Client EXE - Context Menu

A feature to allow copy / paste to fields in the mini client when using the mini client EXE has been added.

CGREEN-26Bug23.08.2017Extended Group Search - Skill Based RoutingThe extended group search algorithm would not work correctly with skill based routing. This problem has been fixed.
CSEGHORN-69New Feature21.08.2017SOAP - Test Call FlagA new flag "bTestCall" has been added to the SOAP interface.
CSEGHORN-66Story20.08.2017Outbound AutodiallerAn Autodialler has been added to the dialler. This allows contacts which are connected to be routed to an IVR application, which in turn can route calls inbound to ACD groups, for example. The dialler can be parameterised for the number of parallel lines to be used. Master campaigns can be associated with the autodialler, which allows the system to process contacts from various sources in sub-campaigns. Caution: the use of this feature is prohibited in certain countries. For example, in Germany, only debt collection agencies may use this feature legally.
JTELDEV-4765Bug19.08.2017Telephony Server - potential crash with UDP component

In some circumstances the UDP component could crash the telephony server. This problem has been fixed.

CWATER-18Bug17.08.2017Dialler - Maximum Contact TriesSometimes contacts were not correctly closed in the campaign, when the maximum number of tries was reached. This problem has been fixed.
CWATER-4Story16.08.2017Mini Client - Current Status DurationAgents can now see their current status duration in the mini client.
CWATER-16Story16.08.2017New Agent CountersAgents can now see the following fields in the mini client, when activated: 

Number of Calls per Hour
Number of Dialler Success (counts result codes)
Post Call Duration Average (per call, only calls with post call)
Post Call Count per Hour (total calls with post call)
CGREEN-20New Feature16.08.2017Agent Outbound Calls - List of Service NumbersThe list of service numbers presented to agents when making outbound calls is now sorted by the "Name" field, which usually contains the actual service number.
CWATER-7Story03.08.2017Dialler - Automatic Post Call End when Result Code RecordedThe dialler now stops automatic post call when a result code is recorded by the agent.
JTELDEV-4762Story03.08.2017Dialler - General Release

The dialler has been released to general availability. Features include: multiple campaigns, campaign mixing, result codes, automatic (IVR) dialler, upload and download of contacts, supervisor view, statistics and more.