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KeyTResolvedRelease Notes SubjectRelease Notes Content
CHECT-41Story14.03.2019Contact Name now shown in current call and call historyThe contact name is now shown in the current call and call history in agent home and the supervisor in several tables and views.
CTDM-231Bug27.12.2018Last Agent and Not Last Agent Algorithm - performance problem on anonymous callsIn large installations, when a call was received from an anonymous caller to an ACD group configured with the last agent or not last agent algorithm, the performace of the system would be seriously impacted when the search for the last agent was performed. This problem has been fixed, last agent / not last agent is no longer searched for or applied to anonymous calls. For Versions 3.11 and later, additionally overriding the last agent using a parameter in the IVR GUI when entering the ACD can now be applied, even to anonymous calls.
CSEGHORN-8717.10.2018$UserData as Variable in Call Back and Voice-Mail Subject and BodyThe variable $UserData can now be used in the texts for a call-back or voice-mail sent from the ACD (Long Texts).
CCOMCAVE-64Story12.10.2018IVR Connect Module - Option SIP REFERAn option to execute a SIP REFER when the destination is reached has been added to the IVR Connect module. This allows the channels to be optimised back to the PBX (route optimisation) once the call has been answered and is in the connected state. Note: this requires that the trunk to the PBX supports this functionality.
CENERGIE-49Story09.07.2018Call Transfer to Same Group now possibleIt is now possible to transfer a call back to the same ACD group as the call was received on. This is now allowed, as use of the group search extension algorithm means that calls can be distributed to agents which are not actually a member of the group in which the call is being processed. This allows agents who are not able to deal with the call to transfer the call back to the group.
JTELDEV-4858Bug27.05.2018IVR GUI - Language change object did not change variables $languages_id and $languages_iso_code

The IVR GUI object "language change" did not change the value of the variables $languages_id and $languages_iso_code. This problem has been fixed.

CCARG-152Story14.03.2018Dialling by Connector - New Parameter for External AgentsDialling by the PBX connector can be additionally parameterised using the following system parameter:


If the active telephone number of the agent is longer than this setting, then the system will dial directly using the jtel server instead of the PBX connector. This prevents the system trying to control numbers which are definitely not in the PBX.
CLDB-10514.03.2018Telephony Server does not delete whisper filesThe telephony server would not delete whisper files, after they had been used. This could cause the temp directory to contain many files over time, though a disk full situation was never observed at a customer due to the usually small files involved. This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-138Bug03.03.2018Acd Groups Report 4 - error in total number of callsAcdGroupsReport 4 would sum all calls over all service numbers instead of individually, when more than one service number was selected. This caused the number of offered calls to be incorrect in all further calculations, and the report to be inconsistent in some columns. This problem has been fixed.
CCWMEYER-34Story18.02.2018TAPI PBX Connector - Number CleanerNumbers which are reported by the TAPI PBX connector are now cleaned of all non-dialable characters without having to completely specify a regular expression in the configuration which performs the cleaning (which is quite tricky).
COPTI-4401.02.2018Duplicated Media-Events in SupervisorMedia-Events were incorrectly duplicated in the supervisor view Media Events and Media History - once for each group the supervisor was a member of. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-4823Bug28.01.2018Deleting a Client not Possible

It was not possible to delete a client due to data dependencies in the database. This problem has been fixed.

CNFON-12127.01.2018Agent Home - Call Recordings - unnecessary access token requiredAccess to agent home, call recordings required access to the token portal.Acd.AcdGroups.CallRecording (i.e. the right to configure recording in the ACD group). This has been removed.
CNFON-118Bug26.01.2018Report Subscriptions - Error in SubscriptionSome reports could be retrieved via the web interface, but not as a subscription. This problem has been fixed.
CKOMP-67Bug15.01.2018Report Subscriptions - not possible to create subscriptions on very old usersIn very old users, the dtCreated timestamp in the database was not present. This prevented them from creating report subscriptions. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-135Story14.01.2018Outdial - Trunk Group SelectionThe trunk group used for an outdial is now selected by the service number, if configured. If not configured, operation is as usual (client assigned trunk group, or general access trunk groups).
CCOMCAVE-5302.01.2018ACD Itemised Call Details Report - Layout and Sorting ImprovementsThe layout and sorting of the ACD Itemised Call Details Report has been improved.
CSEGHORN-37Story29.12.2017Close Dialler Contact on Inbound CallIf an incoming call is received from a contact in a dialler campaign, this can now be closed automatically when the call is connected to the inbound agent. It is possible to specify a result code which should be recorded in the dialler campaign.
CNFON-110Story29.12.2017Trunk Groups Outdial Parameters - P-Asserted IdentityIt is now possible to specify two variants of the P-Asserted-Identity SIP Header used when making outbound calls. The first variant is used when an inbound call is routed to an agent, the second variant when an outbound call is made by an agent.
CSEGHORN-72Story29.12.2017Transaction Code Pager in Mini-ClientThe transaction code pager in the mini client now shows up to 50 rows.
CNFON-119New Feature27.12.2017Service Dispatcher - Log Entry AddedA log entry has been added so that the SIP entity and source / destination server can be seen. This helps when configuring multiple trunk groups in an installation.
CCOMCAVE-52Bug21.12.2017Itemised Call Statistics - Incorrect Hangup QueueHangup Queue could be incorrectly reported in some statistics when calls were distributed to external destinations. This problem has been fixed.
COPTI-18New Feature20.12.2017SMS answer now included in media historyAnswers sent to incoming SMS are now recorded in the media history.
COPTI-20Bug20.12.2017SMS during call - error in number formattingErrors on SMS sending during a call could occur, if spaces were configured in the Service Number. This problem has been fixed.
CGREEN-36Story01.12.2017SalesForce - onClickToDial outbound APIA new API onClickToDial has been added to the SalesForce integration. If configured, when SalesForce users click on a telephone number, the jtel system queries SalesForce to determine the number which should be signalled as the calling party number, and whether the call may proceed.
CGREEN-37Story26.11.2017CRM URL in Media EventsThe CRM URL is now also passed to media events.
COPTI-12Story23.11.2017SMS - any-sms receiverAn SMS receiver has been added for the any-sms SMS service provider.
CGREEN-35Story21.11.2017SalesForce - writeCallStatistics InterfaceA new SalesForce interface has been created, which can pass statistics to SalesForce after the end of a call. The interface is documented and can be implemented, for example, as an APEX REST Service.
CGREEN-34Story19.11.2017SalesForce Routing ObjectA new generic SalesForce routing object has been created, with a documented interface "getCallerInformation" which can be implemented as, for example, an APEX REST Service.
CSEGHORN-90Story10.11.2017SOAP - ServiceNumber structure includes field Name2The SOAP interface has been extended to include the Name2 field in the ServiceNumber structure.
COPTI-6Bug10.11.2017Media Events - Sending by E-Mail causes the event to disappearEvents sent by E-Mail from Agent Home would disappear from the event queue. This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-86Bug07.11.2017IVR Object Switzerland Source RoutingThe IVR object for Switzerland source based routing uses the wrong output. This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-102Bug05.11.2017Renaming of several reportsSeveral reports (Agent and Group Reports) have been renamed for clarity.
CTDM-205Bug20.10.2017Voice Mail Language SettingsWhen an agent refused a call, then the language used for a subsequent voice-mail recording was not consistent. This problem has been fixed.
CAWSH-134New Feature20.10.2017ACD Groups Report 3 - New Column "Voice Mail Booked"A new column has been added to ACD Groups Report 3 in which the number of actually recorded and distributed voice mails can be seen.
CCARG-51Bug17.10.2017Call Transfer Group - SilenceAgents would only hear complete silence, when a call transfer to an ACD group was performed. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-79Bug11.10.2017Online Help in English shows German TextSome texts in the online help in english were shown in German. This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-75New Feature10.10.2017Users - Edit Service NumbersThe right to edit service numbers can now be given to the "Users" role, and not only the "Admin" role.
CTDM-178Story03.10.2017SOAP - New functions to create / modify agent group mappings.The following functions have been added to the SOAP interface:


These allow the creation of agent group mappings, and the modification thereof.
CSEGHORN-74New Feature24.09.2017Agent Login without telephone numberAgents without a configured telephone number are now forced to login using the full login popup window. This prevents the case when users are logged in without an active telephone number.
CKSB-63Bug19.09.2017ACD Groups - Copy Group RulesSome settings could be lost when rules were copied between ACD groups. This problem has been fixed.
CSEGHORN-81New Feature16.09.2017Dialler - Contact Export - Added fieldsThe fields bPhoneNumber1Invalid to bPhoneNumber6Invalid have been added to the dialler contacts export.
CCOMCAVE-20Story12.09.2017CRM URL from REST in Agent HomeIt is now possible to use a CRM URL gained from a REST Query in Agent Home as an alternative link to the configured URL in the acd group.
CSPKH-65Bug07.09.2017Acd Agent Report 1 - Incorrect post call timesAcd Agent Report 1 contained incorrect post call times. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-4778Bug07.09.2017Call Recording - Sometimes not started

Call recording would sometimes not be correctly started when no announcement was configured. Whilst this configuration is not strictly legal in most countries, the problem has been fixed.

CSEGHORN-75Bug07.09.2017Extended Group Search - Agent Statistics may failSometimes agent statistics were not correctly recorded when the extended group search function was used. This problem has been fixed.
CWATER-8New Feature03.09.2017Dialler Contacts - Lock ContactIt is now possible to lock a dialler contact and edit the contact data. The contact can then either be released back to the dialler, or remain locked until it is exported.
CSEGHORN-73Story31.08.2017Agent Home - Manual Call BackIt is now possible to specify a manual callback request from agent home or the mini client, and address this to a group rather than a group and a specific agent.
CWATER-20Story30.08.2017Supervisor - Custom Wallboard 1 - 3It is now possible to create custom wallboards for the supervisor view. Up to three customer specific layouts can be created per system. This requires the creation of JSF .XHTML pages and placement into the Data\system\web\dynamic\supervisor directory as AcdSupervisor.Custom1.xhtml to AcdSupervisor.Custom3.xhtml.
JTELDEV-4770New Feature25.08.2017Mini Client EXE - Context Menu

A feature to allow copy / paste to fields in the mini client when using the mini client EXE has been added.

CGREEN-26Bug23.08.2017Extended Group Search - Skill Based RoutingThe extended group search algorithm would not work correctly with skill based routing. This problem has been fixed.
CSEGHORN-69New Feature21.08.2017SOAP - Test Call FlagA new flag "bTestCall" has been added to the SOAP interface.
CSEGHORN-66Story20.08.2017Outbound AutodiallerAn Autodialler has been added to the dialler. This allows contacts which are connected to be routed to an IVR application, which in turn can route calls inbound to ACD groups, for example. The dialler can be parameterised for the number of parallel lines to be used. Master campaigns can be associated with the autodialler, which allows the system to process contacts from various sources in sub-campaigns. Caution: the use of this feature is prohibited in certain countries. For example, in Germany, only debt collection agencies may use this feature legally.
JTELDEV-4765Bug19.08.2017Telephony Server - potential crash with UDP component

In some circumstances the UDP component could crash the telephony server. This problem has been fixed.

CWATER-18Bug17.08.2017Dialler - Maximum Contact TriesSometimes contacts were not correctly closed in the campaign, when the maximum number of tries was reached. This problem has been fixed.
CWATER-4Story16.08.2017Mini Client - Current Status DurationAgents can now see their current status duration in the mini client.
CWATER-16Story16.08.2017New Agent CountersAgents can now see the following fields in the mini client, when activated: 

Number of Calls per Hour
Number of Dialler Success (counts result codes)
Post Call Duration Average (per call, only calls with post call)
Post Call Count per Hour (total calls with post call)
CGREEN-20New Feature16.08.2017Agent Outbound Calls - List of Service NumbersThe list of service numbers presented to agents when making outbound calls is now sorted by the "Name" field, which usually contains the actual service number.
CWATER-7Story03.08.2017Dialler - Automatic Post Call End when Result Code RecordedThe dialler now stops automatic post call when a result code is recorded by the agent.
JTELDEV-4762Story03.08.2017Dialler - General Release

The dialler has been released to general availability. Features include: multiple campaigns, campaign mixing, result codes, automatic (IVR) dialler, upload and download of contacts, supervisor view, statistics and more.

JTELDEV-4758Story31.07.2017Dialler - Priority given to PhoneNumber6 field

If a telephone number is present in PhoneNumber6 in a dialler contact, this number will always be used to call the contact. Agents can edit this field, for example to record a number on which the called party wishes to be contacted at a later time.

JTELDEV-4748Bug26.07.2017Telephony Server - MS-SQL Datasources

MS-SQL Datasources could cause a crash in the telephony server. This problem has been fixed.

CKSB-58Bug25.07.2017SIP History Info - Coding of special charactersSpecial characters were incorrectly coded in the SIP History Information element. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-4744Story23.07.2017SalesForce - Micro Client

A new "Micro Client" has been added which fits exactly in the SalesForce classic layout. The client supports click to dial, screen pop and agent status changes as well as ACD login / logout.

JTELDEV-4740Bug23.07.2017No Connection Popup Styling

The styling of the "no connection" popup window has been corrected to conform with the design of the rest of the portal.

CWATER-5Story22.07.2017SalesForce - DataloaderIt is now possible to upload dialler campaigns and contacts nightly using the SalesForce dataloader. This feature requires customisation.
JTELDEV-4730Story17.07.2017Dialler Wallboard - Call Attempts

The dialler wallboard now contains the number of call attempts processed during the day and in total.

CSEGHORN-59Story16.07.2017Dialler Contacts - New Field dtUploadeddtUploaded contains the date / time the contact was uploaded to the dialler.
CSEGHORN-55Story15.07.2017Dialler - Extra Fields in Dialler ContactThe following extra fields have been added to the dialler contacts table:

Client, Service, Reference Number.
CSEGHORN-54Story13.07.2017UserData Field - ValidationIt is now possible to implement a custom validator for the UserData field. This feature requires customisation.
JTELDEV-4698New Feature03.07.2017JBOSS Deployment

Removed jboss-el-2.0.1-GA which is possibly causing 100% CPU.

CGREEN-15Bug23.06.2017Web Application Exception when User not member of any ACD Groups.The web application threw an exception when the logged in user was not a member of any ACD Groups. Operation would, however, proceed as normal. This problem has been fixed.
CSEGHORN-39Story21.06.2017Routing - Ignore individual skills on timeoutIt is now possible to specify an individual timeout per skill in the service number configuration or the ACD object in the IVR. Skills can be removed individually when this timeout expires.
JTELDEV-4721Bug21.06.2017Transaction Codes - Catetories - Outbound Call Display Problem

Transaction code names are not displayed on outbound calls if the option "Category" is activated. This problem has been fixed.

CSEGHORN-41New Feature20.06.2017Media Events - Redistribute Seen Events on LogoutThe following options have been added to the ACD Groups configuration:

Redistribute Seen Voice Mails After Agent Logout
Redistribute Seen Faxes After Agent Logout
Redistribute Seen SMS After Agent Logout
Redistribute Seen Call Backs After Agent Logout
Redistribute Seen E-Mails After Agent Logout
Redistribute Seen Tickets After Agent Logout

The media events are redistributed as soon as the agent changes to a logged out agent status when these options are set in the ACD group.
JTELDEV-4720Bug20.06.2017Extended Group Search - Editing

Editing the extended group search parameters would show the parameters for the previous groups edited. This problem has been fixed.

CSEGHORN-52Story20.06.2017SOAP - StatisticsPartAIDThe StatisticsPartAID has been added to the CALL_INCOMING and CALL_OUTGOING_DESTINATION events.
CSEGHORN-51Story20.06.2017UserData Field DisplayThe UserData field is now displayed in the agent mini client, full client and in the transaction code popup.
JTELDEV-4719Bug19.06.2017CRM URL problem with spaces and special characters

If the CRM URL was parameterised, and the parameters contained spaces or other special characters, then this was not coded correctly to be clickable. This problem has been fixed.

CSEGHORN-33Story16.06.2017UserData Field added to Transaction Code PopupThe UserData field has been added to the transaction code popup. This field can be added by the agent, to for example denote a customer number. The UserData is recorded in the call statistics and associated with the transaction code.
CSEGHORN-38Story15.06.2017UserData - can be input during call in Agent HomeIt is now possible for agents to edit the UserData field during a call. This can be used, for example, to record a customer number. UserData is saved in the statistics for that call, and can be used in reporting and other areas of the system.
CSEGHORN-42Story15.06.2017New Distribution Algorithm "Reverse Skill-Based".A new distribution algorithm "reverse skill based" has been added to the system. This causes agents to be sorted in the reverse order so that least skilled agents are first. This sorting also applies to additional skills, which may be applied to a call.
CTDM-164Bug14.06.2017Incoming Call Flow - ACD - Call Recording and Rejection of Calls by AgentsWhen call recording was enabled, and agents rejected calls, this could result in the call being taken by the system, but no music on hold was played. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-4715Bug12.06.2017SMTP Server Settings - Client

Errors could be observed when no server was specified in the client settings, but only in the system parameters. This could result in the incorrect password and user being attempted when contacting the SMTP server. This problem has been fixed.

CLDB-73Story27.05.2017Reskill Call by AgentA new feature has been added, by which agents can reskill calls before performing a call transfer. This can be done, for example, to allow transfer of calls which require high skills to less skilled groups, or to add further skills before a call is transferred.
CTDM-148Bug26.05.2017Auto-Answer breaks Outdial to Agent and Outdial to DestinationIf an agent had the auto answer function activated, this would break calls to agents and to the destination - the call would be disconnected. This problem has been fixed.
CTDM-147Bug25.05.2017Post call time - change in calculationThe post call time calculation now ignores time spent still in a call when calculating the total post call time applicable to a particular call.
CCARG-52Bug22.05.2017Call Transfer Group - Call Flow ErrorThe following scenario could cause problems when using the call transfer to group function:

Agent1 receives incoming ACD call
Agent1 uses call transfer to Group1
In Group1, no agents are free
Agent1 tries to transfer call to Group2
The client does not respond.

This problem has been fixed.
CCARG-59New Feature21.05.2017Reports Subscriptions via HTTPS - ignore certificate errorsReports can now be retrieved via https, ignoring any certificate errors produced - usually due to self signed or incorrect certificates on the load balancer. 

This can also be patched manually, by changing the following system parameter: 

Parameter: Portal.WebServer.StatisticsServlet.Command
Value: c:/cygwin/bin/curl.exe -X POST -k -d ''ReportSubscriptions_ID=$id'' $url
CNFON-48Bug15.05.2017Race Condition on Outbound Call in Telephony ServerWhen outbound calls were made by the telephony server, a race condition could cause the mixing up of events, and the call flow to fail or hang. This problem has been fixed.