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Sv translation

titleNot available on all systems

Note: CompressedU15 is not available on all systems for capacity reasons.


CompressedU contains statistics regarding:

  • Logins by users to the ACD and to ACD groups
  • Times spent in particular status

Information such as:

  • The User
  • The ACD group
  • The profile the user was logged into
  • The number of logins
    • To the ACD
    • To the group
  • The number of status changes
    • To the ACD
    • To the group
  • Times spent in various status

is provided.

Note: because these statistics are aggragated, not quite as much information is available as from the detail records. However, this aggregated data can be retained for a much longer time.


Data is aggregated according to the settings of the parameters:


Default Value




The minimum time after the end of a time interval before statistics are aggregated.



The date / time of the next time slice to be calculated. This parameter can be reset to an earlier date / time in which case the system will recalculate all intervals from the given date and time again.

The name of a stored procedure, in JTELStats2, which is called after the system statistics discussed below have been aggregated. This can be used to provide additional values in additional tables as required by a custom installation. NOTE: changing the CompressedU tables themselves is NOT supported.
Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.CompressedU.CustomCompress.SuppressErrors0Set to 1, to suppress errors in the CustomCompress routine. If this flag is set, the system will continue with calculations for the data, even if the custom routine throws errors.
Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.CompressedU.EndTime02:50The end time beyond which the process will not run, and waits for the StartTime to pass before continuing. If empty, the process runs all the time.
Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.CompressedU.StartTime22:00The start time after which the process will start to run until the specified end time. If empty, the process runs all the time.


Two tables are provided, CompressedU15 (15 minute time slices) and CompressedUDay (day compression), aggregated according to the following query:

Translations Ignore

Code Block
titleCompressedUA Query
SELECT		(Various Aggregations)
FROM 		JTELStats.AcdStatisticsLogin2 AcdStatisticsLogin2
JOIN		JTELWeb.AcdAgentStatus AcdAgentStatus
	ON		AcdStatisticsLogin2.AcdAgentStatusID = AcdAgentStatus.ID
WHERE		( 	
						POINT( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( _Timeslice_Begin ), AcdStatisticsLogin2.UsersID ),
						POINT( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( Timeslice_End_Selects_ ), AcdStatisticsLogin2.UsersID ) 

This query uses a spatial index, to determine if a status change intersects the time slice in question.



When the data is aggregated, the following logic is applied regarding the timestamps:


Count Fields

Time Fields
Before TimesliceWithin Timeslice


TIMESTAMPDIFF( dtTimesliceBegin, dtEndStatus )
Before TimesliceAfter Timeslice


TIMESTAMPDIFF( dtTimesliceBegin, dtTimesliceEnd )
Before TimesliceNULL0TIMESTAMPDIFF( dtTimesliceBegin, dtTimesliceEnd )
Within TimesliceWithin Timeslice


TIMESTAMPDIFF( dtCreated, dtEndStatus )
Within Timeslice After Timeslice


TIMESTAMPDIFF( dtCreated, dtTimesliceEnd )
Within TimesliceNULL1TIMESTAMPDIFF( dtCreated, dtTimesliceEnd )



This table contains compressed statistics for 15 minute intervals.


This table contains compressed statistics for day intervals.


The field definitions are essentially the same, in both tables, only the aggregation intervals are different.

IDINTA unique ID assigned to each record. Note, that IDs are not re-used, since if an interval is recalculated, the record is added with REPLACE, i.e. the existing record will be delteted and a new record with a new ID will be created in its place.
ClientsIDINTID of client from Clients table.
UsersIDINTThe ID of the user from the Users table.
UsersProfilesIDINTThe ID of the user profile from UserProfiles in which the agent was logged in.
AcdGroupsIDINTID of the ACD group, from the AcdGroups table.
dtIntervalStartDATETIMEDate and Time of the start of the interval.
UsersUIDVARCHAR(64)The UsersUID field.
UsersNameVARCHAR(64)The Users Name.
UsersFirstNameVARCHAR(64)The Users FirstName.
UsersProfilesNameVARCHAR(64)The UsersProfiles Name.
AcdGroupsNameVARCHAR(64)The Name field from the AcdGroups table, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
Login_CountINTbLoggedIn = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
Login_TimeINTbLoggedIn = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
Logout_CountINTbLoggedIn = FALSE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
Logout_TimeINTbLoggedIn = FALSE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
InLocation_CountINTbInLocation = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
InLocation_TimeINTbInLocation = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
Calls_CountINTbCalls = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
Calls_TimeINTbCalls = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
VoiceMail_CountINTbVoiceMail = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
VoiceMail_TimeINTbVoiceMail = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
Outbound_CountINTbOutbound = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
Outbound_TimeINTbOutbound = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
Fax_CountINTbFax = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
Fax_TimeINTbFax = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
Callback_CountINTbCallback = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
Callback_TimeINTbCallback = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
Pause_CountINTbPause = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
Pause_TimeINTbPause = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
SMS_CountINTbSMS = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
SMS_TimeINTbSMS = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
ManualPostCall_CountINTbManualPostCall = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
ManualPostCall_TimeINTbManualPostCall = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
EMail_CountINTbEMail = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
EMail_TimeINTbEMail = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
Ticket_CountINTbTicket = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
Ticket_TimeINTbTicket = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
Chat_CountINTbChat = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
Chat_TimeINTbChat = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.
Holiday_CountINTbHoliday = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
Holiday_TimeINTbHoliday = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.

bLoggedIn = TRUE
bCalls = FALSE
bVoiceMail = FALSE
bOutbound = FALSE
bFax = FALSE
bCallback = FALSE
bPause = FALSE
bManualPostCall = FALSE
bEMail = FALSE
bTicket = FALSE
bChat = FALSE
bHoliday = FALSE

number of status changes within the timeslice.


bLoggedIn = TRUE
bCalls = FALSE
bVoiceMail = FALSE
bOutbound = FALSE
bFax = FALSE
bCallback = FALSE
bPause = FALSE
bManualPostCall = FALSE
bEMail = FALSE
bTicket = FALSE
bChat = FALSE
bHoliday = FALSE

number of seconds within the timeslice.


Two tables are provided, CompressedU15 (15 minute time slices) and CompressedUDay (day compression), aggregated according to the following query:

Sv translation

titleThis page is only available in English

titleNot available on all systems

Note: CompressedU15 is not available on all systems for capacity reasons.


CompressedU contains statistics regarding:

  • Logins by users to the ACD and to ACD groups
  • Times spent in particular status

Information such as:

  • The User
  • The ACD group
  • The profile the user was logged into
  • The number of logins
    • To the ACD
    • To the group
  • The number of status changes
    • To the ACD
    • To the group
  • Times spent in various status

is provided.

Note: because these statistics are aggragated, not quite as much information is available as from the detail records. However, this aggregated data can be retained for a much longer time.


Data is aggregated according to the settings of the parameters:


Default Value




The minimum time after the end of a time interval before statistics are aggregated.



The date / time of the next time slice to be calculated. This parameter can be reset to an earlier date / time in which case the system will recalculate all intervals from the given date and time again.

Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.CompressedU.CustomCompressThe name of a stored procedure, in JTELStats2, which is called after the system statistics discussed below have been aggregated. This can be used to provide additional values in additional tables as required by a custom installation. NOTE: changing the CompressedU tables themselves is NOT supported.
Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.CompressedU.CustomCompress.SuppressErrors0Set to 1, to suppress errors in the CustomCompress routine. If this flag is set, the system will continue with calculations for the data, even if the custom routine throws errors.
Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.CompressedU.EndTime02:50The end time beyond which the process will not run, and waits for the StartTime to pass before continuing. If empty, the process runs all the time.
Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.CompressedU.StartTime22:00The start time after which the process will start to run until the specified end time. If empty, the process runs all the time.
Translations Ignore
Code Block
titleCompressedUA Query
SELECT		(Various Aggregations)
FROM 		JTELStats.AcdStatisticsLogin2 AcdStatisticsLogin2
JOIN		JTELWeb.AcdAgentStatus AcdAgentStatus
	ON		AcdStatisticsLogin2.AcdAgentStatusID = AcdAgentStatus.ID
WHERE		( 	
						POINT( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( _Timeslice_Begin ), AcdStatisticsLogin2.UsersID ),
						POINT( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( Timeslice_End_Selects_ ), AcdStatisticsLogin2.UsersID ) 

This query uses a spatial index, to determine if a status change intersects the time slice in question.



When the data is aggregated, the following logic is applied regarding the timestamps:


Count Fields

Time FieldsBefore TimesliceWithin Timeslice


TIMESTAMPDIFF( dtTimesliceBegin, dtEndStatus )Before TimesliceAfter Timeslice


TIMESTAMPDIFF( dtTimesliceBegin, dtTimesliceEnd )Before TimesliceNULL0TIMESTAMPDIFF( dtTimesliceBegin, dtTimesliceEnd )Within TimesliceWithin Timeslice


TIMESTAMPDIFF( dtCreated, dtEndStatus )Within Timeslice After Timeslice


TIMESTAMPDIFF( dtCreated, dtTimesliceEnd )Within TimesliceNULL1TIMESTAMPDIFF( dtCreated, dtTimesliceEnd )



This table contains compressed statistics for 15 minute intervals.


This table contains compressed statistics for day intervals.


The field definitions are essentially the same, in both tables, only the aggregation intervals are different.

FieldTypeContentsIDINTA unique ID assigned to each record. Note, that IDs are not re-used, since if an interval is recalculated, the record is added with REPLACE, i.e. the existing record will be delteted and a new record with a new ID will be created in its place.ClientsIDINTID of client from Clients table.UsersIDINTThe ID of the user from the Users table.UsersProfilesIDINTThe ID of the user profile from UserProfiles in which the agent was logged in.AcdGroupsIDINTID of the ACD group, from the AcdGroups table.dtIntervalStartDATETIMEDate and Time of the start of the interval.UsersUIDVARCHAR(64)The UsersUID field.UsersNameVARCHAR(64)The Users Name.UsersFirstNameVARCHAR(64)The Users FirstName.UsersProfilesNameVARCHAR(64)The UsersProfiles Name.AcdGroupsNameVARCHAR(64)The Name field from the AcdGroups table, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.Login_CountINTbLoggedIn = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.Login_TimeINTbLoggedIn = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.Logout_CountINTbLoggedIn = FALSE, number of status changes within the timeslice.
Logout_TimeINTbLoggedIn = FALSE, number of seconds within the timeslice.InLocation_CountINTbInLocation = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.InLocation_TimeINTbInLocation = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.Calls_CountINTbCalls = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.Calls_TimeINTbCalls = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.VoiceMail_CountINTbVoiceMail = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.VoiceMail_TimeINTbVoiceMail = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.Outbound_CountINTbOutbound = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.Outbound_TimeINTbOutbound = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.Fax_CountINTbFax = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.Fax_TimeINTbFax = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.Callback_CountINTbCallback = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.Callback_TimeINTbCallback = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.Pause_CountINTbPause = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.Pause_TimeINTbPause = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.SMS_CountINTbSMS = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.SMS_TimeINTbSMS = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.ManualPostCall_CountINTbManualPostCall = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.ManualPostCall_TimeINTbManualPostCall = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.EMail_CountINTbEMail = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.EMail_TimeINTbEMail = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.Ticket_CountINTbTicket = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.Ticket_TimeINTbTicket = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.Chat_CountINTbChat = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.Chat_TimeINTbChat = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.Holiday_CountINTbHoliday = TRUE, number of status changes within the timeslice.Holiday_TimeINTbHoliday = TRUE, number of seconds within the timeslice.Other_CountINT

bLoggedIn = TRUE
bCalls = FALSE
bVoiceMail = FALSE
bOutbound = FALSE
bFax = FALSE
bCallback = FALSE
bPause = FALSE
bManualPostCall = FALSE
bEMail = FALSE
bTicket = FALSE
bChat = FALSE
bHoliday = FALSE

number of status changes within the timeslice.


bLoggedIn = TRUE
bCalls = FALSE
bVoiceMail = FALSE
bOutbound = FALSE
bFax = FALSE
bCallback = FALSE
bPause = FALSE
bManualPostCall = FALSE
bEMail = FALSE
bTicket = FALSE
bChat = FALSE
bHoliday = FALSE

number of seconds within the timeslice.