Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.
Sv translation

Several Certificates

To configure more than one certificate for haproxy, use this approach in the configuration file:

Code Block
frontend acdportal_https
	    mode            http
        bind            :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy_cert1.pem crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy_cert2.pem

Redirecting depending on subdomain

To redirect to a different client / reseller depending on a the subdomain used, use this approach:

Code Block
frontend acdportal_https
    acl site_client1 	req.hdr(host) -i
    acl site_client2 	req.hdr(host) -i

# Full client
	redirect        location /CarrierPortal/login/reseller1/client1 if root_req site_client1
	redirect        location /CarrierPortal/login/reseller1/client2 if root_req site_client2
# Default redirect if not matches
	redirect        location /CarrierPortal/login/reseller1 if root_req

# Mini Client
	redirect        location /CarrierPortal/mclogin/reseller1/client1 if mini_req site_client1
	redirect        location /CarrierPortal/mclogin/reseller1/client2 if mini_req site_client2
# Default redirect if not matches
	redirect        location /CarrierPortal/mclogin/reseller1 if mini_req 

Sv translation

Several Certificates

To configure more than one certificate for haproxy, use this approach in the configuration file:

Code Block
frontend acdportal_https
	    mode            http
        bind            :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy_cert1.pem crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy_cert2.pem

Redirecting depending on subdomain

To redirect to a different client / reseller depending on a the subdomain used, use this approach:

Code Block
frontend acdportal_https
    acl site_client1 	req.hdr(host) -i
    acl site_client2 	req.hdr(host) -i

# Full client
	redirect        location /CarrierPortal/login/reseller1/client1 if root_req site_client1
	redirect        location /CarrierPortal/login/reseller1/client2 if root_req site_client2
# Default redirect if not matches
	redirect        location /CarrierPortal/login/reseller1 if root_req

# Mini Client
	redirect        location /CarrierPortal/mclogin/reseller1/client1 if mini_req site_client1
	redirect        location /CarrierPortal/mclogin/reseller1/client2 if mini_req site_client2
# Default redirect if not matches
	redirect        location /CarrierPortal/mclogin/reseller1 if mini_req