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Sv translation

KeyTResolvedRelease Notes SubjectRelease Notes Content
JTELDEV-6218BugImage AddedAgentHome and MiniClient - Tab Calls - Outbound Call Signalling is incorrect

In AgentHome and the MiniClient - when using the “Call” function, the outbound calling party number signalling was incorrect if the Name of the service number contained digits - these were added to the end of the calling party number. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6071BugReporting - ACD-S-002-02 - problem with with average values

The average values displayed in the report were calculated incorrectly, this problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5815StoryService Numbers - Video Cut and Paste Code

The cut and paste javascript code for the integration of the video server now uses the correct domain name as configured in the client master data instead of an example domain.

JTELDEV-6027BugReports - ACD-G-003-002 - Voicemail and callback calls are counted even thought events are not created. 

Voicemails and callbacks that was not generating a media event because nothing was recorded or the recording was too short were counted in the report. This has now been fixed.

JTELDEV-6012BugTAC-Display entries duplication bug.

The bean initialization/refresh algorithm is corrected.

JTELDEV-6020BugACD-TAC-002 - ACD-Transaction-Codes-Report 2: Missing group name in xls-Format.

The ACD-Transaction-Codes-Report 2 was missing the group (s) name (s) when executed with the XLS format. This has been fixed.



ACD Group Action "Call Back or Voice Mail" - Change to statistics

Previously, if the group action “Call Back or Voice Mail” was used, the statistics would always count the resulting event as a callback, even if it was a voice mail. Now, once the user has made the choice by DTMF, the type of group action is changed in the statistics table to the actual type of event booked.

JTELDEV-5996BugDialler - User stucks in TAC status and not able to call dialler contacts.

The user is not able to call dialler contacts because he is stuck in TAC status. To reproduce this problem, you need to do an outbound call from a callback event and set a TAC, then start a dialler.

The user is not able to set a result code and the popup hangs. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5980BugPresence Connector - Exception when PBX Users are duplicated.

The presence connector throws exception when PBX Users are duplicated. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5971BugIVR: the object Run Scripts terminates the call in case of command error.

The IVR object Run Script is ending the call when the desired script triggers errors. This has been fixed and the IVR object has now an error output.

JTELDEV-5852StoryCall Recording - Add $agent_name, $agent_firstname and $agent_number to the recording file name for outbound calls.

New variables are defined to include the agent's name, the agent's first name and the agent's number in the name of the outgoing call recording file.

These variables are: $agent_name, $agent_firstname and $agent_number.

JTELDEV-5882BugjRest - Encoding problem using Routing Application

An encoding problem is found when using the jRest to execute routing application. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5799StoryNew Report - ACD Transaction Codes Service Numbers Report - ACD-TAC-007

This report indicates which transaction code was set for which billing number (which is related to a service number). It contains fields showing the service number, the service number name and the number of transaction codes set.

See for details.

JTELDEV-5798StoryNew Report - Service Numbers Report 2 - 02 - (Inbound and Outbound ACD)

This report contains aggregated data for inbound and outbound calls to the selected service numbers over the time period and granularity chosen.

See for more details.

JTELDEV-5858BugAcd Groups - Copy Rules does not copy conditional or delayed rule activation.

In AcdGroups - Rules tab, copying rules with Conditional Rule Activation and Delayed Rule activation does not work correctly. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5813BugStatistics Reports - Enquiry Time is not correctly calculated.

The enquiry time and corresponding data was always set to null in all reports and statistics data. This problem has now been fixed.

JTELDEV-5827BugReporting API - Resources - The order of using resources (properties) for jasper reports has been changed.

The order of using report resources has been changed, to enable less resource files to be required.

The portal now applies this algorithm:

  • First a search for a resource file for the user’s selected portal language in the {{Data/system/jasper }}directory which corresponds to the report being executed.
  • If not found -> search for an English resource file in the {{Data/system/jasper }}directory.
  • If not found -> use the reportmessages properties file in the portal .war file.

This enables the creation of reports and properties more easily, without having to create resource files for all languages.

For example, given these files:


If the user is running the portal in German, then the properties file }}will be used. In all other cases, {{ will be used. This means, that translations can be provided only for the required languages, with the fallback being english in all cases.

JTELDEV-5819BugReport ACD-TAC-001-02 - Problem in output format XLS.

The report ACD-TAC-001-02 has a problem with the layout in XLS format. Each record line is followed by a blank line. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5808SupportPostCall - Incorrect calculation of the postcall interval.

This issue affected release 3.29 from October 2022 onwards. The postcall interval was incorrectly calculated when the agent switched to manual postcall status during a running automatic postcall, the manual postcall interval was no longer added to the automatic post call interval. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5739New Report ACD-TAC-001-02 - ACD Transaction Codes Report - 02

A new report ACD-TAC-001-02 - ACD Transaction Codes Report - 02 has been introduced. This report changes the way call duration is calculated. The call duration is now the difference between the connection and the end of the call or once the agent transfer the call. The new report has three additional columns:

  • Agent Call Start: the time at which the call starts ringing.
  • Agent Call Connect: the time at which the agent answers the call.
  • Agent Call End: the time at which the call was disconnected or transferred.
JTELDEV-5771BugPresence Aggregator Logging - now limited by size and the number of files

The logging configuration for the presence aggregator (Teams, Cisco, NFON connectors) has been modified to limit the size and the number of files produced in a single day. A tight loop could be caused if the authentication data was incorrect for a connector, causing a rapid increase in log file size and number.

JTELDEV-5762BugService Numbers Report 5 - Count call problem.

The report Service Numbers Report 5 does not count calls correctly when a billing number is used in more than one service number. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5731StoryA1 SMS Sending implemented

A1 (Austria) has been implemented as an SMS provider. Currently only sending is supported. Please note, the provider does not allow specification of any sending number, these must be configured in the SMS account by A1.

JTELDEV-5774BugTelephony Server - RE-INVITE without SDP causes DTMF detection to fail

If a RE-INVITE without SDP is received mid-call, then RFC based DTMF detection would fail. The sequence of SIP events to reproduce this is:

→ INVITE (with SDP)


← OK (with SDP)


→ INVITE (without SDP)

← OK (with SDP)

→ ACK (with SDP)

This problem has been fixed in Telephony Server Version 5.23.27.

Please note, that this SIP sequence, whilst technically probably allowed when considering only “should” clauses in the RFCs, is not executed by well mannered SIP servers as there is no compelling use-case for this sequence of messages. Most customers will therefore not be affected by this issue.

JTELDEV-5770SWYX Connector - Dry Run Capability added

The parameter:

<add key="dryRunOnly" value="false"/>

has been added to the configuration file of the V2 SWYX connector. This allows the connector to receive information, but not actively update the portal. Using this feature, debugging and configuration activities can be carred out on a running system.

JTELDEV-5769Transcribe voice mails using Azure STT - New Clients Parameters added

A new tab “Parameters” has been added to the Client Master Data form in the portal. Client Parameters will be used to implement some new features to reduce the necessity of portal updates. The first implemented feature is the transcription of voice mails to text. When activated, the content of the transcription is added to the ACD event or email created containing the voice mail file.

This feature requires customers to provision an Azure Speech Services instance in their own Azure instance and provide the API key.
The use of this feature will incur costs in Microsoft Azure.

To activate this feature, the following Client Parameters must be added to the client account:




The Azure speech services API end point to be used.
Azure.SpeechServices.APIKeyabcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890The API key for the speech services instance, retrieved from the customer’s Azure account.
VoiceMails.Transcribe.Active1Set to any non zero value to activate voice mail transcription for the whole client account.
VoiceMails.Transcribe.ProviderAzureCurrently the only supported value here is Azure.

JTELDEV-5759REST Query Advanced - CURL command added for debugging purposes

The CURL command used to call the web service is saved to $resultPrefix.command for debugging and logging purposes. This can, for example, be used in an email body when generating an error mail for failed REST services.

JTELDEV-5730StoryCallbacks - ACD Groups Options, SMS confirmations, REST and Statistics API - Increased Functionality


Callbacks can now be sent to an ACD configuration group. If specified in the call flow, the corresponding ACD agent group will be used. If not specified, the primary ACD agent group as configured in the configuration group will be used. This in particular applies when agents create manual callbacks by specifying the configuration group in the agent client.

The ACD Event history table has been made less “noisy”. The status change was duplicated in the comments field - where this applies, the comment is no longer shown.

ACD Groups Options

The following options have been added to the offline parameters page of the ACD group configuration.
These options apply to ACD Configuration groups and ACD Standalone groups.
Confirmation SMS messages apply to detected mobile callback numbers. This detection uses the Area Codes table in the portal. If moble numbers are not available for your country, please contact jtel for further details.

Confirm automatically created callback requests by SMSIf specified, callback requests which are created automatically in the call flow due to mobile callers hanging up in the ACD queue, will be confirmed by SMS.
Confirm caller created callback requests by SMSIf specified, callback requests which are created by mobile callers using a DTMF option in the call flow to request a callback will be confirmed by SMS.
Confirm agent created callback requests by SMSIf specified, callback requests which are created for mobile callers by agents manually using the callback popups in the agent client will be confirmed by SMS.
Duplicate callback event preventionIf specified, callback requests which are created automatically will be checked for duplicates. A duplicate is deemed positive, when the ACD group and the ACD configuration group is equal. If found, the existing callback event will be commented preventing duplicate events.

The parameters required to send SMS confirmations are documented in ACD Groups Parameters on this wiki page:


The REST API to create an ACD event now supports the parameters acdConfigurationGroupsID and acdAgentGroupsID.
This allows for sending of events to ACD Configuration / ACD Agent Group combinations.

Either specify acdGroupsID or both acdConfigurationGroupsID and acdAgentGroupsID.
If only the parameter acdGroupsID is supplied, a configuration group may be specified. In this case, the primary ACD agent group associated with the configuration group is used as the recipient of the event.


The following field has been added to the AcdEvents table: AcdEventsCreatorTypesID.

This field can take on the following values:

1Created automatically due to hangup in ACD group queue
2Created by rule in ACD group
3Created by object in the IVR
4Created manually by agent without an active call
5Created manually by agent with an active call
6Created via REST API
7Created via SOAP API
8Created via SMS Gateway
9Created via Chat Connector
10Created via E-Mail Connector
11Created via Workflow Monitor Point


Extended E-Mail Client - support of Microsoft 365 Exchange Authorization with OAUTH2

The extended E-Mail client now supports Microsoft 365 Exchange Authorization with OAUTH2. The necessary parameters have been added to the Client Master Data form on the EMail Tab. If legacy authorization is to be used, then simply the email server and user should be specified, with a password as usual. To use modern authorization, specify the Tenant ID and Client ID parameters. In this case, the password field should be configured to contain the client secret. If all are specified, then the Microsoft Graph API is used to send the email using modern authorization.

JTELDEV-5750BugIVR Object ACD-Group Information - Counts the "Read only and invisible" agents as available agents

The IVR Object ACD-Group Information counted agents that had a mapping "Read Only" and "Read Only (invisible)" as available agents. This type of mapping does not allow agents to answer calls. Therefore, they should not be counted as available agents. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5745BugSMS - Lox24 send SMS fails if sender has more than 16 characters

Sending an SMS from the "Agent Home - Call" tab results in an error if the sender has more than 16 characters when using the Lox24 provider. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5756StorySupervisor - All Agents and Active Agents - Department now visible

The column “Department” is now available in the supervisor views “all agents” and “active agents”.

JTELDEV-5751SMTP send utility migrated to .NET Core 6 and linux

The SMTP send utility used by the portal has been migrated to .NET Core 6 which works on both windows systems and linux systems. Note: .NET 6 must be installed before using this.

JTELDEV-5747BugDynamicPriorityGroupsTargets - Too many entries result in SQL statements jam in MySQL server

Old entries in the dynamic priority groups targets tables are not used. If these tables become too large, it can cause a jam of SQL statements on highly loaded systems. This problem has been fixed by adding a cleaner process which runs with the nightly cleaning routines.

JTELDEV-5737BugUsers - changing the password for the admin user results in "sysadmin" being entered in the LDAP field

This problem was due to chrome autofilling the fields. The form has now been changed, so that autofill is deactivated.


SMTP send utility supports modern authorization using OAUTH2 and MS Graph

The SMTP send utility now supports the sending of emails using the MSGraph API using Azure AD authorization with modern authorization.

The necessary parameters have been added to the Client Master Data form on the EMail Tab. If legacy authorization is to be used, then simply the email server and user should be specified, with a password as usual. To use modern authorization, specify the Tenant ID and Client ID parameters. In this case, the password field should be configured to contain the client secret. If all are specified, then the Microsoft Graph API is used to send the email using modern authorization.

JTELDEV-5020BugIVR Connect Object - a configured announcement was still audible after the destination play type had been changed

After removing the setting Voice Prompt in Destination Play Type in the Connect object*,* the announcement was still played in calls. This problem has been fixed, now the announcement is not played if the type has been changed.

JTELDEV-5738BugTelephony Server - Hangup sometimes missed with message "Incorrect Call ID" on outbound call using connect module

This problem affects 8-Server release rc-5.23.24 and has been fixed in rc-5.23.25.

JTELDEV-5736StoryEnforce Block-Dialling for incoming calls - overlap dialling no longer supported

Block dialling is now enforced for all incoming calls. Overlap dialling has essentially become obsolete for VoIP installations and this change should not affect customers using VoIP.

JTELDEV-5732BugCallback Requests - Manually Created for Configuration Group

Manually created callback requests for an ACD configuration group are now correctly forwarded to the primary ACD agent group. Previously, these events would hang in the queue forever.

JTELDEV-5710BugAcdGroups - The copy function in AcdGroup did not copy all parameters.

When copying an AcdGroup, not all settings were copied. This problem has been fixed. Also a new checkbox 'Copy Parameters' has been added to copy all AcdGroup parameters if present.

JTELDEV-5727BugCritical Bug - Post-Call Time is not updated on last call when agents logout

A critical bug which caused post call time not to be updated when an agent logs out has been fixed. This problem was introduced in 3.29, we recommend you contact jtel to implement a patch to your system if you are affected by this problem. Note: past statistics cannot be repaired.

JTELDEV-5714StoryACD-001 - new report variant ACD-001-02

A new report variant of ACD-001 has been implemented - ACD-001-02, which includes the following new colums: Serviced, Serviced % and Hangup %. See here for more details:

JTELDEV-5724REST - Run Routing Application - now records call logs

When using the REST API ClientsID/routingApplications/run/ID to run a routing application, it is now possible to pass the following parameters in the POST data.


If present, these will be used as the caller ID and called ID numbers, and recorded to the table JTELLog.CallLog. This enables the REST call to be found in the Call Log window. Note, the call log analyser will not show REST calls, only real calls are shown here.

JTELDEV-5712BugIVR Object - ACD Group with Variables: an empty value in skills timeout throws an error in telephony server

If the IVR object Acd-Group with Variables was used and the skills timeout value was left empty, an error occured in the telephony server and the table varCallData was not updated correctly. This problem has been fixed.

JTELNEW-151Supervisor - Grid Layout 1

Supervisor - Grid Layout 1, has been modified to be based on Grid Layout 2, but without the “All Agents” area. The size of the “Current Agents” and “Active Calls” areas have been increased.

JTELDEV-5720BugMini Client - changes in resources are not applied in Mini Client.

Updating a resource to hide a tab in agent home was not applied to the Mini Client in some cases. This problem has been solved. The fix applies to the following resources:

  • portal.Acd.AgentHome.MediaEvents
  • portal.Acd.AgentHome.MediaHistory
  • portal.Acd.AgentHome.CallHistory
  • portal.Acd.AgentHome.InboundStatus.AcdGroupsStatistic
  • portal.Acd.AgentHome.InboundStatus.AcdEventsStatistic
JTELDEV-5709Supervisor - "In Location" changed to "Present" - additional counters for supervisor and widgets for wallboard

The flag “In Location” has been changed in ACD agent status. This parameter was previously not used for any logic.

Now, status can be created which show agents who are theoretically available for work. This is now termed “Present”. A column has been added to the supervisor agent tables to display this information. Additionally, wallboard tiles “Agents Present” are available for each group and all visible groups for the logged in supervisor.

JTELDEV-5721BugOutgoing Caller Number Translator - no longer adds + to numbers less than internal number length

The outgoing caller number Translator would prefix a plus to numbers which were less than the internal number length, even though this would not result in an E.164 number. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5708Video call iFrame: Improvement of the message displayed when only audio permission is requested.

When using audio only mode in the video call configuration, a message asking for audio and video permission is displayed when starting the video call. This message is enhanced and displays a message according to the requested devices.

JTELDEV-5687Video Call - Add three calls option in ServiceNumber - Video Call tab

This function adds three modes for starting a video call:

  • Start a video call with audio only.
  • Start a video call with audio and video.
  • Start video call with screen sharing function.

The javascript code can be copied by selecting the required option. Note, as this functionality is initiated by the customer webserver, the option is not saved.

JTELNEW-66Dialler Campaigns - Copy function added

In order to be able to create campaigns manually faster and to be able to use “template campaigns” optimally, a “Copy” button is now added to the dialler campaigns next to the “New” button.

JTELDEV-5583BugWork break indicator - colour calculation

The calculation for the work-break indicator would show the wrong data in some edge cases. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5695New IVR object: Run script

A new IVR object called “Run Script” has been implemented. This object allows a python script to be run. The name of the script should be the input for this object. The script parameters are separated by spaces. The new object requires a configured system parameter “Portal.RoutingApplicationObjects.RunScript.Command".

NOTE: This functionality is currently only supported on private cloud and on premise instances.


Mini Client Version 3.15 Upgraded CEF (Chrome Libraries) to Version 105.3.29

The CEF libraries in the mini client were updated to version 105.3.29.

JTELDEV-5697BugReport ACD-S-001 - incorrect title

The title on follow on pages in ACD-S-001 has been corrected.

JTELDEV-5694MySQL Server - Leak of temporary tables in some stored procedures

A memory leak in an exit handler in some routines has been fixed to drop drop some temporary tables. This helps prevent excessive memory usage in the MySQL server.

JTELDEV-5689JTEL namespace for chat app example changed to JTEL_CHAT

The JTEL namespace for chat app example changed to JTEL_CHAT to enable websites to use jtel video calling in parallel.

JTELDEV-5696BugConfluence Text Blocks - no error seen when authorization fails against confluence server

No error was produced when authorization failed against the confluence server REST API. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5693Transaction Codes - Setting up TACs without being forced to set a DTMF

The requirement to specify a DTMF when configuring a transaction code has been removed in this release. DTMFs are now optional.

JTELDEV-5272BugACD Group Statistics - Incorrect statistics when callers hangup during long waiting time announcement

If callers hungup during the long waiting time announcement, the call would be incorrectly recorded with AcdGroupEndReason 1, 2 or 3 (depending on the previous call flow), however the timestamp dtQueueStart would be set.

This behaviour has been fixed. Now:

  • when calls enter the queue, and the long waiting announcement is made, and the caller hangs up, the call will be recorded as “hangup in queue”.
  • During the long waiting announcement the distribution algorithm is active. If an agent is found for the call, then the distribute start timestamp will be set although the agent phone will not be dialled until the long waiting announcement has actually ended.
JTELDEV-5692BugACD Group - Supervisor Warnings - two options should have been visible

The following options were invisible in the ACD Group configuration, because they were anchored to the wrong resource.

  • Email Supervisor on Overflow
  • Email Supervisor on Auto Logout

This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5672Sub-taskAgent Home - name conflict when an agent joins a video conference

When a video call is initialised and an available agent joins the video conference, all participants have a twisted nickname. This problem has been fixed. The agent new has the nickname as configured in the portal displayed, or ‘Agent' if no nickname is configured. The caller now has the nickname configured in the pdata parameter, or simply 'Caller’ for the caller ID if it is empty.


New Video Call Server - Agents can now participate in a video conference with callers from the website

A module for video calls is now available and configurable via the service number parameters.
This feature allows users to make:

  • Audio only calls
  • Audio and video calls
  • Audio and video call with screensharing

from the customer website directly to the call center. Calls are distributed via the jtel ACD using all available functions, IVR and ACD. Agents can join the video conference from Agent Home using a link provided in the agent client.

This feature allows jtel clients to integrate “click to call” directly into their websites. Also, the scanning of QR codes can be used to create user or devide specific video call rooms for technical support purposes.

JTELNEW-146Mini-Client - Help Button added

The help button has been added to the mini client for fast access to the wiki pages.

JTELDEV-5613BugFull Agent Home Client - Default ACD group not saved

The default ACD group is now saved correctly in the ACD Agent Home full client.

JTELDEV-5647BugACD Post Call Time when logging off

When agents logout during automatic or manual post call, the post call time was sometimes not correctly recorded. This behaviour has been corrected.

JTELDEV-5637LogFile Analyzer - supports new telephony server .blog format

The LogFile Analyzer now supports downloading the new telephony server .blog format of log files.

JTELDEV-5674Dialler - improve appointment calendar view to show the current date/time if appointment is in the past.

The dialler appointment calendar was showing an old appointment date regardless of whether it was in the past or in the future. Now, if it is in the past, it is rounded up to the nearest next one hour in the future.

JTELDEV-5661ACD Group Rule Callback or Voicemail - Menu now repeated twice

The menu prompt “press 1 to be called back, press 2 to leave us a message” is now repeated twice, before automatically proceeding to option 2 - record voice mail - if the caller does not press a DTMF key.

JTELDEV-5678SMS Receiver Lox24 updated to newest API (notification endpoint API)

The SMS receiver for Lox24 has been updated to the newest API (the notification endpoint API). All previous APIs have been depricated as this was causing incompatibilities.

JTELDEV-5666BugPortal Contact Matching on suppressed numbers could incorrectly report the wrong contact

The portal contact matching algorithm could incorrectly report the wrong contact when the calling party number was suppressed by the caller. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5670BugACD Group Check Point "Start Out of Standard Service Times" Removed

The ACD group check point “Start Out of Standard Service Times” has been removed. No implementation was available for this check-point - i.e. any rules created here were defunct. When systems are updated, the behaviour is as follows:

  • The check point is removed from the system and it is no longer selectable
  • Any group rules created which used this checkpoint are deleted

Please note, that the same behaviour as this was always available by creating two ACD group rules:

  • Rule 1 (for the holiday list specified in the standard service times)
    • Checkpoint = Start
    • Priority = 50
    • Time Type = On holidays
      • From 00:00:00 to 23:59:59
    • (Select same holiday list as used in standard opening times)
    • Action = (whatever)
  • Rule 2 (for the opening times list specified in the standard service times)
    • Checkpoint = Start
    • Priority = 40
    • Time Type = Closed
    • (Select same opening times list as used in standard opening times)
    • Action = (whatever)
JTELDEV-5667BugACD Agent Home - Call List performance problems

When using the ACD Agent Home Calls tab, filtering the call list via the call start date / time caused performance problems on some systems. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5656BugThe IVR announcement does not overwrite the announcement in the Acd group parameters.

The Acd group announcements configured in the online parameters are always played when a call is made, even if you have configured an announcement in the IVR - Acd object. This problem has been fixed and the IVR announcement configured in the Acd object overwrites the announcement configured in the Acd group.

JTELDEV-5525ACD Group Rules - Call-Flow graphics updated and FR added

The call flow graphics for the group rules have been updated, and french has been added.

JTELNEW-144CRM URL - new replacement of advanced variables without URL encoding

The CRM URL now supports the replacement of advanced variables in the URL without URL encoding them. The notation uses $VariableName. Using double curly braces tells the system not to URL encode the replacement. Using single curly braces URL encodes the string before inserting it into the URL.

This can sometimes be necessary, if the server and protocol portion of the URL are needed to be variable. For example take the following URLs:


Imagine the server portion of the URL being variable - some users login to the first server, and some users login to the second server. The application part of the URL (after the final slash) is the same in both cases (the parameters will probably identify a particular record in the CRM system). So the first URL is to be used by user 1, and the second URL by user 2.

Clearly, before the call is distributed, the URL cannot be built. This means it must be built dynamically according to which user receives the call.

The server portion of the URL could be configured in the jtel user account, for example the nick name field or another appropriate informational field which is not required for the operation of the user account in the jtel system.

For example, the NickName field could be specified as follows:

User 1:

User 2:

Then the CRM URL could be specified as follows:


JTELDEV-5663BugACD MicroClient - Missing warning messages when changing status

The microclient did not support the minimum agent logged in warning, or the number of agents in pause warnings. This feature has been added.

JTELNEW-140SalesForce - Lightning searchAndScreenPop now populates default value for field Phone

The Lightning searchAndScreenPop function now populates default value for the Phone field. This means, that if creating a new Lead or Contact is selected as the default action in the Softphone Layout when no records are found, that the telephone number of the caller will be pre-populated in the new Contact or Lead form.

JTELDEV-5659BugACD Agent and Supervisor - Media Event History

If a media event was opened and closed without clicking the "Close" button, the event history table was not updated correctly. This problem has been fixed.

JTELNEW-139Salesforce - Create Case for Voice Mail with Link to Attachment

A new API has been added to the salesforce integration which can be called when voice mail events are created in the ACD. The documentation for this API can be found here: . Note, that to download the voice mail attachment, the user must be logged into the jtel portal within salesforce using the mini or micro client as usual. Users without a jtel login will not be able to download the attachments.

JTELDEV-5654BugSalesForce - getCallerInformation - the variable parser is called when multiple choices is returned by the Apex Class

Now, when the Apex REST API implemented in SalesForce returns 300 Multiple Choices, the variable parser is still called. The Apex class can provide:

  • either one of the records found. In this case the logic could be almost the same as the 200 OK case, probably displaying some additional information to the agent that there was in fact more than one record found which matched the query.
  • or all of the records found. In this case, the variables will be parsed to an array, the logic to deal with this case will be more complicated, but the jtel system will be given access to all records returned.
JTELDEV-5644BugDialler contacts - Dialler data is missing for Voicemail events.

Unlike Callbacks events, Voicemail events from which the caller is a dialler contact, did not contain the dialler data. This has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5641BugAgent Home - Media Events created manually are not displayed in Dossier tab.

Media Events created manually are not displayed in Dossier tab under Agent Home. This has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5640BugAcd Group Numbers - possibility to set numbers less than 3 digits from AcdGroup Edit.

While acd group numbers needs to have 3 digits during acd group creation or copy, in edit it was possible to set less than 3 digit (with leading zeros). This has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5629BugREST API - Variables of type datetime are not well formatted.

The REST server was handling variables of type datetime with an incorrect format. This problem has been fixed and these variables are now formatted as timestamps.

JTELDEV-5633BugCreate new Client - Supervisor and Agent security groups are wrong.

The Supervisor and Agent Security groups are wrong and missing access rights when creating a new client and choosing in the options to automatically create the security groups. This has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5631BugSecurity leak - Possibility to read file outside the data directory.

It was possible to read web server files outside the data directory with a very complicated GET request. This security leak was fixed.

JTELDEV-5636BugThe daemon AcdEvents Cleaner hangs.

The daemon AcdEvents cleaner sometimes hangs when a large number of events is present in the system. This problem has now been fixed.

JTELDEV-5632BugException in the filter of Agent Home - Media History.

In Agent Home - Media History, an exception is thrown when filtering by Type, Status and Acd Group.
This issue has been fixed and you can now filter by specifying the TypesID and StatusID for the Type and Status filter.

JTELDEV-5274BugOptimisation ACD-TAC-002 ACD Transaction Codes Report 2.

The query for this report has been optimised and the report is now produced much more quickly.
