The CHAT role is used for conducting chat sessions with agents from external websites. The CHAT role is also required for WhatsApp integrations.

The chat server is a Java application, which can be installed in parallel on the web servers with corresponding additional RAM of about 4 GB per server.

Alternatively, the chat-server can be installed on a separate server, or on the load balancer. 

The following recommendations are made:

On an existing webserverAdditional 4 GB of RAM
On the load balancerAdditional 4 GB of RAM and 2 CPU cores, expand system drive (home directories) to 32 GB
On a separate server8 GB RAM, 32 GB HDD, 2 CPU Cores (can be extended later to 4 CPU cores, depending on system load)


Java 8 Installation

apt-get update
apt-get install software-properties-common
apt-add-repository 'deb stretch/updates main'
apt-get update 
apt-get -y install default-jdk

Installing and Configuring ClientMessenger

ClientMessenger Installation

First of all, the ClientMessenger directory is copied to /home/jtel

cp -R /home/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal/Utils/Install/ClientMessenger/ /home/jtel/ClientMessenger
chown -R jtel:jtel /home/jtel/ClientMessenger

Hazelcast Cluster Configuration File

The hazelcast.xml file is copied to the configuration directory of the chat server. 

rm -f /home/jtel/ClientMessenger/conf/hazelcast.xml
cp /home/jtel/shared/hazelcast.xml /home/jtel/ClientMessenger/conf/hazelcast.xml
chown jtel:jtel /home/jtel/ClientMessenger/conf/hazelcast.xml

Client Messenger Configuration

The configuration or the start file jtel-clientmessenger may have to be adapted so that the database connection can be established. Here <password> must be replaced with the password for the root user of the database:

# Edit this file:
vi /home/jtel/ClientMessenger/systemd/jtel-clientmessenger.service

# Check this setting
-Dde.jtel.platform.clientmessenger.connection=jdbc:mysql://acd-dbm/JTELWeb?user=root&password=<password>&characterEncoding=utf8&serverTimezone=Europe/Berlin \

Install ClientMessenger with systemd

cp /home/jtel/ClientMessenger/systemd/jtel-clientmessenger.service /etc/systemd/system/jtel-clientmessenger.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable jtel-clientmessenger.service

Create the Update Script

An update script is created for updating the chat server:

cat <<EOFF>/usr/local/bin/
systemctl stop jtel-clientmessenger.service
cp /home/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal/Utils/Install/ClientMessenger/bin/* /home/jtel/ClientMessenger/bin
chown -R jtel:jtel /home/jtel/ClientMessenger
systemctl start jtel-clientmessenger.service
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

Configure the Firewall

Next, the open ports for the chat service must be entered in the firewall and saved persistently. Here you can distinguish whether http (speak unsecure websocket) or https (secure websocket) is used.

Since the load balancer usually decrypts the https, for https only port 3003 needs to be opened to the load balancer.

Firewall configuration http

Execute the following commands, on the following machines:

ufw allow 5701:5801/tcp
ufw allow 3000/tcp

ufw allow 3000/tcp

Firewall configuration https

ufw allow 3003/tcp

Load Balancer Configuration

haproxy.cfg Adjustments

For http

The following adjustments are made on the haproxy, in case of a http connection for the chat to the outside:

frontend acdportal_chat_ws
        mode            http
        bind            :3000 
        timeout         client 1d
        default_backend backend_chat_ws

backend backend_chat_ws
        mode            http
        balance         leastconn # roundrobin
        server          chatserver1 <ip_addresse_oder_name>:3000 weight 1 check inter 1m
        server          chatserver2 <ip_addresse_oder_name>:3000 weight 1 check inter 1m

For https

frontend acdportal_chat_wss
        mode            http
        bind            :3003 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy.pem
        timeout         client 1d
        default_backend backend_chat_ws

backend backend_chat_ws
        mode            http
        balance         leastconn # roundrobin
        server          chatserver1 <ip_addresse_oder_name>:3000 weight 1 check inter 1m
        server          chatserver2 <ip_addresse_oder_name>:3000 weight 1 check inter 1m

Reload Haproxy

Then, reload the haproxy with the following command:

service haproxy reload

Chat Configuration

Parameters (as sysadmin)

For https / wss


For http / ws


P.S: To enable the chat attachement, please configure the following parameters: ACD.Whatsapp.Server.Base.URL and ACD.Whatsapp.Whatsapp.Url. See Add Additional parameters below for more details


An appropriate agent status for "Chat" - or an existing status - must be configured so that chat is distributed to the agent:

Max chats per agent

The maximum number of parallel chats per agent must be configured. This value is set to 0 by default for all agents.

Additional configurations for WhatsApp

In order for What's App to work, further configurations still need to be made.

Note: setting up the WhatsApp business account or connecting to the provider (currently TynTec) is done directly with the provider.

The load balancer must be operated with https and a valid certificate.

Additional configuration in jtel-clientmessenger

The parameter DATADIR must be checked. This must point to either the /srv/jtel/shared/Data/Clients/ directory if it is hosted directly on the chat server, or /home/jtel/shared/Data/clients/ if the server has mouted the directory.


Additional configuration on the load balancer

Additional entries are required in the frontend area for the portal:

frontend acdportal_https
        acl whatsapp_req    path /incoming
        acl whatsapp_req    path /delivery
        use_backend     backend_chat_ws if whatsapp_req

Additional parameters

The following system parameters must be checked in the portal:



The URL used by the agent client to allow the agent to reply to messages. This must be resolved from all agent workstations to a valid URL via DNS, and is directed to the chat server via the haproxy.
ACD.Whatsapp.Whatsapp.Urlhttps://jtel-portal:3003The URL used by the outside world (WhatsApp users) to download the attachments of the messages. This must be resolved from the Internet to a valid URL via DNS, and is directed to the chat server via the haproxy.
ACD.Whatsapp.Tyntec.Url URL of the TynTec API for WhatsApp.

Customize TynTec API endpoints

It may be necessary to adjust the API endpoints to which the messages are sent. Currently TynTec does not offer the possibility to do this via a web configuration, this must be done via a REST call. The easiest way to do this is to use Postman.

The following parameters are required, both callback URLs are adjusted according to the end point of the system.

Request TypePATCH


Value = the generated API Key from Tyntec

Additional Headers



Additional Headers




"webhooks": [
"events": [
"callbackUrl": "https://jtel-portal/incoming"
"events": [
"callbackUrl": "https://jtel-portal/delivery"

Chat Connector Configuration

The following additional parameters are configured in the Chat Connector: