Using Agent Home you can view and pursue important information about your work as an agent and your ACD groups.

Use ACD - Agent Home to access the agent home screen.

The functions and buttons at the top of the screen are explained in the section on The User Interface.

Note: The status manual post call does not end automatically, and is ended only when the user chooses another status category.

For some events, additional symbols are shown:

Media Events:

If you receive a media event, then this is depicted by a blinking symbol in the toolbar. Clicking on the symbol you can directly switch to processing the media events (list of media events is shown).

Web Messages:

If you receive a web message, then this is depicted by a blinking symbol in the toolbar. Web messages are used to communicate between agents and members of ACD groups. When you click on the symbol, any web messages are shown.

Mini Dashboard

In this Mini Dashboard the agent has an overview over the groups he is assigned to. The Mini Dashboard is visible in all tabs of the Agent Home. The four mini tiles describe the following values:

Call Handling

Under Call Handling you can see data about the current call (when present).

The table shows the following columns.

Below the table, you can perform various actions depending on the current call situation:

You can transfer the current call to another agent, another ACD group, a telephone number or a synonym, or you can have the system announce a telephone number to the caller. If corresponding options are activated, in case of unsuccessful transfer to an agent, a group, a phone number or a synonym, an announcement is played before the agent is connected again to the caller. Aditionally, in this case, during the prompt a blinking warning Destination Busy respectively Destination No Answer is displayed. The prompt is configured in the Group Settings. If furthermore the transfer from the status Hold is activated, after an unsuccessful transfer to an agent, to an ACD Group, to a phone number or a synonym, in any case you will get back to the status Hold.

Media Events

The table Media Events shows current media events (Fax, SMS, Voice-Mail and Callback Requests, E-mails) which have been delivered to you. On this tab you are shown new and seen events. Events in which an error occured, done events and forwarded events can be seen under Media History. Use Open to view the particular event and its data. Example:

In this screen you can:

Faxes, emails and voice mails are provided here as downloads (Download). Voice mails can also be listened to from the agent’s phone (Listen from phone).

The history table shows the history of each event. The newest entry is shown at the top (in the default sort order).

Note: A special feature applies to emails, which are not delivered via web application. In this case the set Post Call Interval for Media Events appears and the user is blocked for calls. Emails, which are delivered in this way via the ACD are delivered directly to the email inbox of the user. To edit the email, the following options are available:

Inbound Status

In the table Inbound Status you can see data on your current call, and the status of the ACD groups in which you are a member. Example:

The table shows the following columns.

Field NameField Name in MiniClientDescription
Group Name
ACD Group Name
Group Number
ACD Group Number
Agent Skill

Your skill in the ACD group

If a status dependent skill adjustment is in operation, the adjusted skill level is shown. Next to the value an arrow is visible, which points up (skill adjustment to higher skill) or down (skill adjustment to lower skill)

Group Status
Your current status in the ACD group
Current CallsCurrent CallsThe number of calls which are currently active in this ACD group
In QueueIn QueueThe number of calls which are currently in queue in this ACD group
TotalTotal Calls InboundThe total number of inbound calls to this ACD group today
Calls In Service Level
The number of calls which where answered whithin the service level set for the group
In ServiceIn ServiceThe current service level for the group. This is the percentage of calls today which where answered whithin the set service level time in seconds
AvailabilityAvailabilityThe current availability of the group. This is the percentage of calls today which were answered by agent
Ø Waiting Time
Average waiting time today measured before the entrance of the call in the ACD group
Ø Duration
Average call duration for the agents today
Logged InLogged InThe current number of agents logged into the group
Number of available agents (logged in for telephony without post call and currently available)
PausePauseThe number of agents logged in but current on a break

BusyThe number of agents logged in but currently busy with a call
Work Break Indicator

The work break indicator shows, if it is possible to take a pause for the respective ACD group whithin the parameters defined by the administrator. The status information will indicate:

Green: To set the pause mode is currently no problem.

Yellow: For the moment it is marginal to set the pause mode.

Red: To set the pause mode is currently a problem because there are not enough agents available to answer the calls.

Total Auto-Logoff
The number of auto-logoffs for the ACD group that occured because the overall counter for lost calls was exceeded
Ø Calls (Group)Calls Per HourThe average number of calls in the group that reached the agents since their login to the group. Note: If agents don't log in and log off daily, the value might decrease over a longer period
Occupancy Group
The average percentage utilization that calls cause for this group per agent since the log in to the group. Note: If agents don't log in and log off daily, the value might decrease over a longer period
Ø Calls (Own)
The average number of the agent calls since he is login to the group. Note: If agents don't log in and log off daily, the value might decrease over a longer period
Occupancy Agent
The average percentage utilization that calls cause for this agent since the log in to the group. Note: If agents don't log in and log off daily, the value might decrease over a longer period

Pause / Current Status Duration

Total time spent on pauses today / Duration of the current status

Total Calls Outbound

The total number of outbound calls to this ACD group today

Dialler Total Success

Use Logout to log off a particular ACD group.

In the Inbound Status table in the Action column, you can choose Details to view details for the selected ACD group. These details are explained in the section Group Details.


The tab Calls displays details on your current call, and below that a table showing the calls you have received in the past. The table shows the following columns.

Media History

The tab Media History shows media events (Fax, SMS, Voice-Mail and Callback Requests, Email) which have been marked as done or forwarded. Events which have caused an error are also shown here. Use Open to view the particular event and its data. When you open an event, you can work with it as if it had not been closed. This is useful when correcting errors.