The following describes the CereProc TTS integration with the jtel Portal.

This installation requires a licence for Cereproc, which will be attached to the MAC address of the telephony server. 

Caution: it should be ensured, that the MAC address will not change due to moving the VM, for example by VMotion or other high availability / fault tolerance mechanisms.


Install the following CereProc components on the telephony or daemon server:


Downloads are in:



Activate the daemon \\acd-lb\shared\JTELCarrierPortal\AppServer\Portal.Daemon.TTS.Manager.r5 on the server.

Resource Configuration in jtel Portal

The following resources should be configured for all relevant security groups:


Take away the "X" to allow downloading of TTS files

portal.PromptManagement.Waves.TTSEngineAdd "X" to allow generation of TTS files
portal.SystemSettings.TTSEnginesAllow editing of the TTS engines
LanguageAs provided by the TTS voice installed
SexAs provided by the TTS voice installed
Speaker NameType in the EXACT name of the speker here
Generation Template$text
Offline Generation Command%USERDIR3%bin\Cereproc\Cereproc_Generate.cmd $speaker "$infile" "$outfile" "%TEMPDIR%"


Using the TTS

Create a new prompt, and an empty file in the prompt in the appropriate language. Once it is created, when using the Edit function, TTS may be specified.