
CompressedA contains statistics regarding:

Information such as:

is provided.

Note: because these statistics are aggragated, not quite as much information is available as from the call detail records. However, this aggregated data can be retained for a much longer time.


Data is aggregated according to the settings of the parameters:


Default Value




The minimum time after the end of a time interval before statistics are aggregated.



The date / time of the next time slice to be calculated. This parameter can be reset to an earlier date / time in which case the system will recalculate all intervals from the given date and time again.

Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.StatisticsServiceNumbers.CustomCompress The name of a stored procedure, in JTELStats2, which is called after the system statistics discussed below have been aggregated. This can be used to provide additional values in additional tables as required by a custom installation. NOTE: changing the CompressedA tables themselves is NOT supported.
Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.StatisticsServiceNumbers.CustomCompress.SuppressErrors0Set to 1, to suppress errors in the CustomCompress routine. If this flag is set, the system will continue with calculations for the CompressedA data, even if the custom routine throws errors.


Two tables are provided, CompressedA15 (15 minute time slices) and CompressedADay (day compression), aggregated according to the following query:

SELECT      (Various Aggregations)
FROM        JTELStats.StatisticsPartA a
LEFT JOIN   JTELStats.AcdStatisticsPartB acdb
    ON      a.ID = acdb.StatisticsPartAID
LEFT JOIN   JTELStats.StatisticsPartB b
    ON      acdb.ID = b.AcdStatisticsPartBID
WHERE       ( a.ClientsID = _ClientsID )
            ( a.dtCallStart BETWEEN _Timeslice_Begin AND TIMESTAMPADD( MINUTE, 15, _Timeslice_Begin ) )
            ( a.bOutbound = 0 )

Partitioning and Aggregations 

When the data is aggregated, it is divided into several consistent partitions, according to the following logic. The resulting aggregations then either count a call, if a condition is met, or determine the time between two timestamps.

ServiceNumber_* Fields

Partitions all records only using fields from StatisticsPartA.






<> 0









<> 17






ACD_* Fields

Partitions records only for which an AcdStatisticsPartB record exists, and for which it is not a group transfer or group overflow.

The condition used is:

( AcdStatisticsPartB.ID IS NOT NULL ) AND ( AcdStatisticsPartB.AcdOriginGroupsID IS NULL )

Queue_* Fields

Further partitions records which have entered the ACD, only calls which enter the queue.

The additional condition used is:

( AcdStatisticsPartB.dtQueueStart IS NOT NULL )

Queue_Serviced_* Fields

Further partition on calls which entered the queue, only calls answered by an agent are considered (calls were definitely offhook). The condition used is:

The additional condition used is:

( StatisticsPartA.dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL ) AND ( AcdStatisticsPartB.dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL )

Queue_NotServiced_* Fields

Further partition on calls which entered the queue, and were offhook, only calls not answered by an agent are considered. The condition used is:

( StatisticsPartA.dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL ) AND ( AcdStatisticsPartB.dtAgentConnect IS NULL )

These calls are further partitioned into Abandoned and Reject as follows:

a.bCallerHangup = 0  --> System hangup (Reject)
a.bCallerHangup <> 0  --> Caller hangup (Abandoned)

AgentCalls_*, GroupTransfer_*, AgentTransfer_*, NumberTransfer_* Fields

Only records which meet the following condition are considered:

( StatisticsPartB.ID IS NOT NULL )

I.e. where an agent or destination call was made.

The following partitions are used:



StatisticsPartB.StatisticsPartBOrigin IS NULL


( StatisticsPartB.StatisticsPartBOrigin IS NOT NULL )
( StatisticsPartB.AcdGroupsID <> AcdStatisticsPartB.AcdGroupsID )


( StatisticsPartB.StatisticsPartBOrigin IS NOT NULL )
( StatisticsPartB.AcdGroupsID = AcdStatisticsPartB.AcdGroupsID )
( StatisticsPartB.bTransferAgent <> 0 )
( StatisticsPartB.StatisticsPartBOrigin IS NOT NULL )
( StatisticsPartB.AcdGroupsID = AcdStatisticsPartB.AcdGroupsID )
( StatisticsPartB.bTransferExternalNumber <> 0 )

Further partitioning is according to the CONNRES field.














0, 5, > 6




This table contains compressed statistics for 15 minute intervals.


This table contains compressed statistics for day intervals.


The field definitions are essentially the same, in both tables, only the aggregation intervals are different.

ClientsIDINTID of client from Clients table.
ServiceNumbersIDINTID of service number from ServiceNumbers table.
DynamicPriorityGroupsIDINTID of dynamic priority group from DynamicPriorityGroups table.
RoutingApplicationsIDINTID of the routing application from the RoutingApplications Table.
AcdGroupsIDINTID of the ACD group, from the AcdGroups table.
dtIntervalStartDATETIMEDate and Time of the start of the interval.
ServiceNumbersRootNumberVARCHAR(32)The RootNumber field of the service number, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
ServiceNumbersNameVARCHAR(64)The Name field of the service number, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
ServiceNumbersName2VARCHAR(64)The Name2 field of the service number, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
DynamicPriorityGroupsNameVARCHAR(64)The Name field from the DynamicPriorityGroups table, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
AcdGroupsNameVARCHAR(64)The Name field from the AcdGroups table, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
ServiceNumber_CountINTCalls to service number, total.
ServiceNumber_Abandoned_CountINTCalls to service number, abandoned (caller hangup).
ServiceNumber_Abandoned_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls to service number, abandoned (caller hangup), total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ServiceNumber_Abandoned_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to service number, abandoned (caller hangup), max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ServiceNumber_Busy_CountINTCalls to service number, busy (from system).
ServiceNumber_Busy_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to service number, busy (from system), total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ServiceNumber_Busy_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to service number, busy (from system), max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ServiceNumber_Reject_CountINTCalls to service number, rejected (by system).
ServiceNumber_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to service number, rejected (by system), total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ServiceNumber_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to service number, rejected (by system), max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ServiceNumber_Offhook_CountINTCalls to service number, system offhook.
ServiceNumber_Offhook_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to service number, system offhook, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ServiceNumber_Offhook_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to service number, system offhook, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ServiceNumber_Offhook_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to service number, system offhook, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
ServiceNumber_Offhook_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to service number, system offhook, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
ACD_CountINTCalls to ACD, total.
ACD_StandardService_CountINTCalls to ACD in standard service times, total.
ACD_NotStandardService_CountINTCalls to ACD not in standard service times, total.
ACD_Abandoned_CountINTCalls to ACD, abandoned (caller hangup).
ACD_Abandoned_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, abandoned (caller hangup), total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Abandoned_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, abandoned (caller hangup), max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Abandoned_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, abandoned (caller hangup), total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Abandoned_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, abandoned (caller hangup), max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Busy_CountINTCalls to ACD, busy (from system).
ACD_Busy_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, busy (from system), total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Busy_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, busy (from system), max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Busy_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, busy (from system), total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Busy_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, busy (from system), max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Reject_CountINTCalls to ACD, rejected (by system).
ACD_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, rejected (by system), total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, rejected (by system), max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Reject_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, rejected (by system), total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Reject_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, rejected (by system), max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Offhook_CountINTCalls to ACD, system offhook.
ACD_Offhook_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, system offhook, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Offhook_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, system offhook, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Offhook_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, system offhook, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Offhook_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, system offhook, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Offhook_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, system offhook, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
ACD_Offhook_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, system offhook, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, total.
Queue_StandardService_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue in standard service times, total.
Queue_NotStandardService_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue not in standard service times, total.
Queue_Abandoned_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, abandoned (caller hangup).
Queue_Abandoned_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, abandoned (caller hangup), total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Abandoned_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, abandoned (caller hangup), max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Abandoned_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, abandoned (caller hangup), total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Abandoned_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, abandoned (caller hangup), max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Abandoned_Time_QueueStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, abandoned (caller hangup), total seconds from dtQueueStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Abandoned_Time_QueueStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, abandoned (caller hangup), max seconds from dtQueueStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Busy_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, busy (from system).
Queue_Busy_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, busy (from system), total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Busy_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, busy (from system), max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Busy_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, busy (from system), total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Busy_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, busy (from system), max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Busy_Time_QueueStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, busy (from system), total seconds from dtQueueStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Busy_Time_QueueStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, busy (from system), max seconds from dtQueueStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Reject_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, rejected (by system).
Queue_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, rejected (by system), total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, rejected (by system), max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Reject_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, rejected (by system), total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Reject_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, rejected (by system), max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Reject_Time_QueueStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, rejected (by system), total seconds from dtQueueStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Reject_Time_QueueStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, rejected (by system), max seconds from dtQueueStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Serviced_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent.
Queue_Serviced_SLA1_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, time from dtCallStart to dtAgentConnect <= ServiceLevelSeconds.
Queue_Serviced_SLA2_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, time from dtCallConnect to dtAgentConnect <= ServiceLevelSeconds.
Queue_Serviced_SLA3_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, time from dtGroupStart to dtAgentConnect <= ServiceLevelSeconds.
Queue_Serviced_SLA4_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, time from dtQueueStart to dtAgentConnect <= ServiceLevelSeconds.
Queue_Serviced_StandardService_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, in standard service times.
Queue_Serviced_StandardService_SLA1_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, in standard service times, time from dtCallStart to dtAgentConnect <= ServiceLevelSeconds.
Queue_Serviced_StandardService_SLA2_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, in standard service times, time from dtCallConnect to dtAgentConnect <= ServiceLevelSeconds.
Queue_Serviced_StandardService_SLA4_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, in standard service times, time from dtGroupStart to dtAgentConnect <= ServiceLevelSeconds.
Queue_Serviced_StandardService_SLA4_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, in standard service times, time from dtQueueStart to dtAgentConnect <= ServiceLevelSeconds.
Queue_Serviced_NotStandardService_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, not in standard service times.
Queue_Serviced_NotStandardService_SLA1_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, not in standard service times, time from dtCallStart to dtAgentConnect <= ServiceLevelSeconds.
Queue_Serviced_NotStandardService_SLA2_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, not in standard service times, time from dtCallConnect to dtAgentConnect <= ServiceLevelSeconds.
Queue_Serviced_NotStandardService_SLA3_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, not in standard service times, time from dtGroupStart to dtAgentConnect <= ServiceLevelSeconds.
Queue_Serviced_NotStandardService_SLA4_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, not in standard service times, time from dtQueueStart to dtAgentConnect <= ServiceLevelSeconds.
Queue_Serviced_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Serviced_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Serviced_Time_CallStart_AgentConnect_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtAgentConnect.
Queue_Serviced_Time_CallStart_AgentConnect_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtAgentConnect.
Queue_Serviced_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Serviced_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Serviced_Time_CallConnect_AgentConnect_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtAgentConnect.
Queue_Serviced_Time_CallConnect_AgentConnect_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtAgentConnect.
Queue_Serviced_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Serviced_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Serviced_Time_GroupStart_AgentConnect_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtAgentConnect.
Queue_Serviced_Time_GroupStart_AgentConnect_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtAgentConnect.
Queue_Serviced_Time_QueueStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, total seconds from dtQueueStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Serviced_Time_QueueStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, max seconds from dtQueueStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_Serviced_Time_QueueStart_AgentConnect_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, total seconds from dtQueueStart to dtAgentConnect.
Queue_Serviced_Time_QueueStart_AgentConnect_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, serviced by agent, max seconds from dtQueueStart to dtAgentConnect.
Queue_NotServiced_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, were offhook, not serviced by agent.
Queue_NotServiced_StandardService_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, were offhook, not serviced by agent, in standard service times.
Queue_NotServiced_NotStandardService_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, were offhook, not serviced by agent, not in standard service times.
Queue_NotServiced_Abandoned_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, caller hangup.
Queue_NotServiced_Abandoned_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, caller hangup, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Abandoned_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, caller hangup, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Abandoned_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, caller hangup, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Abandoned_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, caller hangup, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Abandoned_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, caller hangup, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Abandoned_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, caller hangup, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Abandoned_Time_QueueStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, caller hangup, total seconds from dtQueueStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Abandoned_Time_QueueStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, caller hangup, max seconds from dtQueueStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Reject_CountINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, system hangup.
Queue_NotServiced_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, system hangup, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, system hangup, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Reject_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, system hangup, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Reject_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, system hangup, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Reject_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, system hangup, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Reject_Time_GroupStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, system hangup, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Reject_Time_QueueStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, system hangup, total seconds from dtQueueStart to dtCallEnd.
Queue_NotServiced_Reject_Time_QueueStart_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to ACD, entered queue, not serviced by agent, system hangup, max seconds from dtQueueStart to dtCallEnd.
AgentCalls_CountINTCalls to agents, total.
AgentCalls_OK_CountINTCalls to agents, agent answered.
AgentCalls_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_TotalBIGINTCalls to agents, agent answered, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect (agent leg).
AgentCalls_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_MaxINTCalls to agents, agent answered, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect (agent leg).
AgentCalls_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls to agents, agent answered, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd (agent leg).
AgentCalls_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls to agents, agent answered, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd (agent leg).
AgentCalls_OK_PostCall_CountINTCalls to agents, agent answered, post call work required.
AgentCalls_OK_PostCall_Time_TotalBIGINTCalls to agents, agent answered, post call work required, total seconds.
AgentCalls_OK_PostCall_Time_MaxINTCalls to agents, agent answered, post call work required, max seconds.
AgentCalls_NoAnswer_CountINTCalls to agents, no answer.
AgentCalls_Busy_CountINTCalls to agents, busy.
AgentCalls_CallerHangup_CountINTCalls to agents, caller hangup during transfer.
AgentCalls_Reject_CountINTCalls to agents, rejected.
AgentCalls_Failure_CountINTCalls to agents, failed.
GroupTransfer_CountINTTransfer to group, total.
GroupTransfer_OK_CountINTTransfer to group, OK. 
GroupTransfer_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_TotalBIGINTTransfer to group, OK, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect (to group leg).
GroupTransfer_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_MaxINTTransfer to group, OK, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect (to group leg).
GroupTransfer_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTTransfer to group, OK, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd (to group leg).
GroupTransfer_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_MaxINTTransfer to group, OK, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd (to group leg).
GroupTransfer_NoAnswer_CountINTTransfer to group, no answer.
GroupTransfer_Busy_CountINTTransfer to group, busy.
GroupTransfer_CallerHangup_CountINTTransfer to group, caller hangup during transfer.
GroupTransfer_Reject_CountINTTransfer to group, rejected.
GroupTransfer_Failure_CountINTTransfer to group, failed.
AgentTransfer_CountINTTransfer to agent, total.
AgentTransfer_OK_CountINTTransfer to agent, OK. 
AgentTransfer_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_TotalBIGINTTransfer to agent, OK, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect (to group leg).
AgentTransfer_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_MaxINTTransfer to agent, OK, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect (to group leg).
AgentTransfer_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTTransfer to agent, OK, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd (to group leg).
AgentTransfer_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_MaxINTTransfer to agent, OK, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd (to group leg).
AgentTransfer_NoAnswer_CountINTTransfer to agent, no answer.
AgentTransfer_Busy_CountINTTransfer to agent, busy.
AgentTransfer_CallerHangup_CountINTTransfer to agent, caller hangup during transfer.
AgentTransfer_Reject_CountINTTransfer to agent, rejected.
AgentTransfer_Failure_CountINTTransfer to agent, failed.
NumberTransfer_CountINTTransfer to number, total.
NumberTransfer_OK_CountINTTransfer to number, OK. 
NumberTransfer_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_TotalBIGINTTransfer to number, OK, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect (to group leg).
NumberTransfer_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_MaxINTTransfer to number, OK, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect (to group leg).
NumberTransfer_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTTransfer to number, OK, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd (to group leg).
NumberTransfer_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_MaxINTTransfer to number, OK, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd (to group leg).
NumberTransfer_NoAnswer_CountINTTransfer to number, no answer.
NumberTransfer_Busy_CountINTTransfer to number, busy.
NumberTransfer_CallerHangup_CountINTTransfer to number, caller hangup during transfer.
NumberTransfer_Reject_CountINTTransfer to number, rejected.
NumberTransfer_Failure_CountINTTransfer to number, failed.