as of release 3.27

prior to release 3.27


This object is used to extract information from string variables or determine the length of a string.


Object Name

The name of this object instance


The name of the variable the object should operate on.


The functions operate on the given number of characters:

Index of search string - retrieves the first index of the search string in the variable

Left x chars - retrieves the leftmost x characters from the variable

Right x chars - retrieves the rightmost x characters from the variable

Mid x chars - retrieves x characters from the provided starting position

Length - retrieves the length of the string

Delete left x characters - delete the left x characters from the variable

Delete right x characters - delete the right x characters from the variable


Length of the partial string to be retrieved

Save to

The name of the variable in which the result should be saved.



Used when ...


wenn der key value is found.