Availability %

Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Totals line "Servicelevel - Availability"
Service level %

Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Totals line "Servicelevel - In Service"
Current Availability %

Supervisor - Real time values - Totals line "Availability".
Current In Service Calls %

Supervisor - Real time values - Totals line "Servicelevel"
Waiting Callers

(Supervisor - Real time values - Totals line - "Pre Queue") + (Supervisor - Real time values - Totals line - "In Queue")

Max. WartezeitSupervisor - Daily Statistics - Totals line - "Waiting time Max."
Agents Total

Supervisor - Real time values - Agents - Totals line - "Loggen in."
Agents Free

Supervisor - Real time values - Agents - Totals line - "Free".
Agents Inbound Calls

Supervisor - Real time values - Agents - Totals line - "Inbound Calls".
Agents Outbound Calls

Supervisor - Real time values - Agents - Totals line - "Outbound Calls".
Agents Post Call

Supervisor - Real time values - Agents - Totals line - "Post-Call".
Agents E-Mail

Supervisor - Real time values - Agents - Totals line - "Agents E-Mail"
Agents Pause

Supervisor - Real time values - Agents - Totals line - "Pause".

Work-Break Indicator

Supervisor - Real time values - Agents - Totals line - "Work-Break-Indicator"
Agents Other

The number of logged in agents who do not have a status with telephony and are not on break or manual post-processing.
Agents Long Calls

Supervisor - Real time values - Agents - Totals line - "Long call".
Enquiry Calls

The total number of callbacks (calls in which the agent spoke to a destination but did not transfer) for all calls in the displayed ACD group..
Incoming Control

Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Totals line - "Calls - Control".
Current Pre Queue Calls

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Current Pre Queue Calls"
Current Pre Queue Calls (*)

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Current Pre Queue Calls (*)"
Current Pre Queue Calls (o)

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Current Pre Queue Calls (o)"
Current In Queue Calls

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Current In Queue Calls"
Current In Queue Calls (*)

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Current In Queue Calls (*)"
Current In Queue Calls (o)

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Current In Queue Calls (o)"
Current Calls

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Current Calls"
Current Calls (*)

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Current Calls (*)"
Current Calls (o)

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Current Calls (o)"
Total Calls

Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Totals line - "Calls Total".
Total Outbound

Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Totals line - "Outbound Total".
Total Calls Agents

Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Totals line - "Anrufe Agents
Gesamt Agent CallsSupervisor - Daily Statistics - Totals line - "Agent Calls"
Total Agent Calls (↑)

Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Totals line - "Agent Calls By Skill - Upskill ()"
Total Agent Calls  (•)

Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Totals line - "Agent Calls By Skill - Equal Skill ()"
Total Agent Calls  (↓)

Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Totals line - "Agent Calls by Skill - Downskill (↓)"
Current Agent Calls (↑•↓)

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Agent Calls"
Current Agent Calls (↑)

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Agent Calls (↑)".
Current Agent Calls (•)

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Agent Calls ()".
Current Agent Calls (↓)

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Agent Calls ()".
Current Agent Calls (*)

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Agent Calls (*)"
Current Agent Calls (o)

Supervisor - Realtime Statistics - Totals line - "Agent Calls (o)"
Total Calls In Service

Number of calls that were in service using the service level (s) setting of the ACD groups.
PostCall Duration Ø

The average of the post call duration among all the groups