Load System Data

The following commands load the database for the first time, and are performed in the jtel user context:

su jtel

If a redundant system is installed, then replace acd-dbm with acd-dbm1 in the following commands.

The database is loaded for the first time using the following commands:

cd /home/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal/DB/mySQL/init
mysql -h acd-dbm -u root -p<password> -vvv -f -n -q -e"source Init.sql"

Once the database is loaded, the routines are updated to the actual release which is being installed.

This is performed from STORE, using the following commands:

su jtel
cd /home/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal/Update
sudo bash ./update_release.sh