Change to root

su -

Update and Install Packages

apt-get -y update
apt-get -y upgrade
apt-get -y install sudo vim unzip rsync sysstat cifs-utils nmap tcpdump tmux virt-what chrony smbclient

Configure VIM

VIM detects the mouse, and copy pasting between two terminal windows is annoying because of this. Disable this as follows for root and jtel:

cat << EOFF >> ~/.vimrc
set mouse-=a

cp ~/.vimrc /home/jtel
chown jtel:jtel /home/jtel/.vimrc

Configure Sudo for jtel User

The following command adds the jtel user to the sudo group:

adduser jtel sudo

Setup chrony

The following commands install chrony and modify the basic chrony.conf file to remove usage of the default pool and any configured servers, and replace this with the 3 (very reliable) time servers from the German PTB.

# Replace all existing servers
sed -i -e "s/^server /# server /" /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
# Replace pool setting
sed -i -e "s/^pool /# pool /" /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
# Add PTB Servers
cat << EOFF >> /etc/chrony/chrony.conf

# Servers to use
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst

# Enable Chrony
systemctl enable chrony

# Stop (just in case it was started), then start and get status
systemctl stop chrony
systemctl start chrony

Check chrony

systemctl status chrony
chronyc sources

Warning when using git as root

The following command makes it (intentionally) more difficult to use git as the root user. 

cat <<EOFF >> ~/.bashrc
alias git='printf "It looks like you are trying to run GIT as ROOT.\nFor jtel installations, GIT should always be run from the jtel user.\nIf you really want to run git as root, you will need to access it directly, using /usr/bin/git for example.\n"'
source ~/.bashrc

Detect the Hypervisor



The tools are installed as follows:

apt-get -y install open-vm-tools


The tools are installed as follows:

apt-get -y install hyperv-daemons


The tools are installed as follows:

apt-get -y install qemu-guest-agent

Other Hypervisors

Consult the manufacturer for further detals.


Reboot to load the new kernel if one was downloaded and make sure the guest tools are running OK.