jtel has moved its repositories to a new location.

See further below for instructions on how to change the URL of a GIT repository.

Repository Locations

RepositoryNew LocationRecommendation
8Server deploy
Set the new URL and continue as before.
Set the new URL and continue as before.

It is possible to change to the new URL, and fix the failed merge problem (see below).

However, we recommend cloning this URL completely into a new directory.

Cloing the new URL will also decrease the repository size considerably.

After Changing

Make sure it has worked using git pull

Failed Merge

If the merge fails with an error "Refusing to merge unrelated histories", thenĀ use the following procedure to force a reset (this example is for release/stable-3.15):

git fetch --all --prune
git reset --hard origin/release/stable-3.15

Changing a Repository URL

GIT Command Line

Use the following GIT command:

git remote set-url origin https://NEW_URL

Tortoise GIT

Alternatively, for Windows Repositories set the URL in Tortoise-GIT here: