The jtel Portal System is moving to use MySQL 8.x instead of the older MySQL 5.6.

Currently, the latest release of the portal 3.15 supports both versions of MySQL, however this is only an interim measure, and this will change in a coming release soon such that MySQL 8.x is required.

This procedure describes how to update the system to MySQL 8.x.

This is a non trivial operation. Only proceed if you have adequate rollback mechanisms in place, such as snapshots of your virtual machines and a backup of the database.



This is a multi-state operation, since the MySQL system does not support missing out updates to versions - to move from 5.6 to 8.0 it is required to first update to 5.7.

Do not proceed unless the Pre-Requisites are done. The procedure WILL NOT WORK with an earlier version of the jtel Portal installed.

Phase 1 - Update MySQL to 5.7

First of all, remove the old MySQL yum repository.

yum remove mysql-community-release.noarch

Next, install the new MySQL yum repository, using the command relevant to the OS version being used.

You can determine the OS being used, with the following command:

cat /etc/centos-release

For CentOS 7:

yum -y localinstall

For CentOS 6:

yum -y localinstall