Master ServerĀ 

The PlatformUDPListener is installed on the master database(s).

Install Java

First of all, java is installed:

dnf -y install

Install Platform UDP Listener

The Platform UDP Listener is installed with the following commands:

cp -a /home/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal/Utils/Install/PlatformUDPlistener/ /home/jtel/
cp -a /home/jtel/PlatformUDPlistener/init.d/jtel-listener /etc/init.d
cp -a /home/jtel/shared/hazelcast.xml /home/jtel/PlatformUDPlistener/conf/hazelcast.xml

Autostart Daemon

The Platform UDP Listener is enabled with the following commands:

cd /etc/init.d
chkconfig jtel-listener on

Firewall Rules

The following configures the firewall, so the hazelcast cluster members can communicate with eachother:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5701-5801/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

Start Listener

Now, the listener is started:

service jtel-listener start

Update Script

To make updating the Platform UDP Listener simpler, a script is created:

cat <<EOFF > /usr/local/bin/
service jtel-listener stop
cp /home/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal/Utils/Install/PlatformUDPlistener/bin/platform-UDP-listener-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar /home/jtel/PlatformUDPlistener/bin
chown jtel:jtel /home/jtel/PlatformUDPlistener/bin/*
service jtel-listener start
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/